Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt

Thanks I’ll check it out! :)

Kimmy Schmidtersnatch is out. Wait, that came out wrong.

That was a lot of fun - in some ways, I liked it better than the series finale proper.

As with classic Infocom/Sierra games, a lot of the entertainment comes from doing things the wrong way and then seeing the ridiculous things that result. Don’t forget to kill the Reverend all the different ways. You should absolutely abandon the baby to get Kimmy’s words of wisom. And while Jenna, er Jacqueline’s bad ending is bad for her and humanity, it’s fitting for the times.

What are you talking a out? Is there a new episode?

Netflix has an interactive Kimmy Schmidt special.

It is indeed very fun. I haven’t restarted it to go through all the alternatives yet, will probably do so this weekend.

My wife and I did it last night. We kept getting early endings. Weddings are important people!