Under Falling Skies unfortunately lives up to its name

ok, I finally managed (due to time constraints) to get to the finale. Looks pretty harsh. I liked the different mission modules, Contamination was great. Contaminating the first action spot in every round was very interesting. In my first try I contaminated one of two energy spots in my first round, realizing that I have to dig far for the next energy.

10 enemy ships now, wow. And a longer research track. The campaign doesn’t really build up. Every chapter feels like a reset.I guess that when I play this game in the future I will draw a random module, random city and depending on difficulty a couple of characters.

They should have marked the sky tiles with numbers or something. Not sure how to organize them, or how to use them. I guess I draw some random. But you cannot mix them totally, each sky tile has its place in the sky, only distinguished by the light/dark color.