United States Healthcare Reform

Somehow I dont think you have any idea what single payer would do to our health care system, but not a single part of it will be any good.

Well, it is Huff Post.

God forbid that we get a system as good as the French, Canadians, and English have.

It was pretty ugly earlier today.

Yes I would never want any of their systems of health care, the insurance I have now is low cost, covers everything I need and I am 100% satisfied with it. I know I would never be able to say the same for a craptastic governmental run system.

You are in the small minority then. Most American’s aren’t that lucky…

edit: Funny how the people around this forum who actually take advantage of and live with a single-payer health care system actually like it quite a bit, and wouldn’t wish the US “system” on their worst enemy.

Brett, please read this thread:

These are the words of a young male who never, ever gets sick.

Or who doesn’t actually know just how much of his health care bill is being footed by his employer.

Wait till you get older and sicker, sir. You might change your tune.

See, you guys don’t understand Brett at all. He’s a very stolid man, our Brett. He understands that there is a higher power at work, here, and that we should not question that power’s desire to have rich, powerful companies have their political way with the system so that they can keep raping everyone in the ass.

After all, this is America, fuck yeah. We fight wars for our companies and nurture them so they can assrape us with the proper vigor. Pussy Demoncrats don’t understand this Holy endeavor.

Only the “better sort” deserve proper health care here in the U.S., dontcha know. It weeds out the infirm or something.

And I bet that brettmcd’s prescription for “actually lowering costs” is some combination of “tort reform” (read: arbitrarily low damages caps) and “selling health insurance across state lines” (read: race to the bottom as states compete to have the crappiest health insurance regulation, just as they did with credit card regulation). Nothing about insurers taking all comers or universality or insuring people with pre-existing conditions. Those people should take an aspirin, hope for the best and quit their bitchin. USA! USA! USA!

Hey, you forgot repealing the legislation that forces ERs to take patients that can’t pay. That would cut WAY down on healthcare costs!

Wrong as usual, you have no need to know my medical history, but rest assured it is far from perfect and I do have a life long medical condition I deal with.

Hey, you forgot repealing the legislation that forces ERs to take patients that can’t pay. That would cut WAY down on healthcare costs!

But who would take all those piled-up bodies away? Ah yes, the relatives, and if there are no relatives, why, the dog food manufacturers. See, it all works out!

If you have a medical condition, and pay low fees for insurance that actually covers your condition, then you are on government insurance. Congratulations for having the only insurance in America that works: Government-run.

No you would also be wrong that I believe in that style of tort reform, I have no desire to limit damages on legitimate lawsuits, but I do want judges to be able to throw frivolous lawsuits and be able to sanction the lawyers that keep bringing them forward hoping for settlements from the insurance companies.

Wrong yet again, I have insurance from my employer that covers everything I need and works perfectly well for me.

I can’t even imagine what that is costing your employer.

Any judge worth his/her salt already does that. And there are many many proposals out there that would set up boards of review to take the burden off the courts, but the Republicans kill them every time they’re proposed because that’s not what their big backers want. They want the F’ing damage caps on a national level, so even if a suit has merit and wins, the cost to them is minimal. Also, such caps effectively bar anyone that isn’t independently wealthy from suing in the first place.