Unix Magic

Welcome to the forums!

@Skipper sorry for the “late reply”, I created the account to try and talk with @Coldsteel but didn’t manage to either get a reply or learn how to send a PM.

Is there something like some minimum karma that prevents me from sending PMs?

Anyway, I’m still interested in the Unix poster. @Coldsteel if you still have them and are interested in selling them, please send me an email to [email protected] .


If I can see it, @coldsteel can as well. I have no idea about the availability of the posters, however. Hopefully he sees the comments and replies. Good luck, man.

Cool, thanks!! :)

Hi, sorry I missed your previous message. I’m not selling the two posters I have right now for several reasons. There’s a lot going on in my life right now that I’ve been dealing with so this is definitely a back burner priority. Also, I have no idea how to value them fairly or how to sell them and get them to the buyer in a way that securely protects both parties. Also, several other folks here before you had already expressed interest in buying one so I’d also have to decide if I should give those the first opportunity to buy. It’s just something I have no time or patience to deal with right now, sorry.

if I do get to the point where I decide to try to sell them, I will post here.

Hey @Coldsteel!

First of all, thanks for your reply and thanks for willing to be fair to everybody in the thread that expressed an interest in buying them! :)

Re. selling them (to an individual) in a safe / secure way, the simplest way is to use an escrow service, like Escrow.com, for a fee. Otherwise, you’ll have to get into eBay and either auction the poster or set a fix price. Auction might be best for you, as people definitely seem to have an interest in this poster.

But, also, just FYI regarding the price, there’s a looot of myth and hype around the Internet :D I’ve been doing extensive research on these posters, past pricing of sellings and auctions included. I think one of the best sources for this sort of info is WorthPoint, a website that amongst other things scrapes and saves eBay auctions. If you are subscribed, you can check past prices for this posters here.

I’m subscribed and I’d love to post them, but it goes against their ToS. In any case, I can tell you that looking at all of the sales of the posters going all the way back to 2013, Unix Magic has sold for a few hundred dollars, depending on the condition of the poster. The bundles of the three posters are the ones usually going for higher prices (low few thousands, but again, depending on the condition).

Anyway, when you get things sorted out, if you feel like selling them, I’ll be happy to work on a fair price with you and buy them. Or I’ll participate in the eBay auction, or whatever!

Meanwhile, again, thanks a lot for your reply! I’m on a quest to get these posters and I’m very happy to hear from someone that owns one :D



Hi jjmaetro
Saw your post. If you are still interested, I put the complete set of Unitech Unix posters on eBay
Was just looking for a fair price for them

Hey! Cool, thanks for the heads up! I’ll check it out! :)

@Coldsteel I know you are busy. I wonder if you would ever consider taking the Unix posters to get it scanned?
These are rare and I would love to have one, but the are so hard to find. It would be awesome to have a scanned digital copy so I could make my own and frame it. I would gladly compensate you for your time!

It is now 2024. Id love to own this poster. If you haven’t sold yet, id love to buy it from you. I can offer you $300? If not then let me know your price.