Unpacking - Almost good enough to have its own thread?

20% off on Steam today so I picked it up.

Just played this on Game Pass. Really cool how the game told a story from the items and their progression through moves. I had some qualms storing the bug killer because I ended up having to stuff it with cooking-related items like pots and bowls. And sorting underwear got a little bit old.

There were a couple of items I wasn’t really sure about. The whales? Maybe bookends? And anyone know what this was? I was thinking maybe some kind of animal-shaped cassette player, but then it also looks like a bag.


It’s a bag of something. Coffee or tea?

I don’t think its a food item. I was able to store it in the living room or in a bedroom closet but not the kitchen. There were a couple of items that I didn’t know what they were or where to put them and had to keep trying in various places until the game let me store them. Cute game - a nice change from shooting stuff.

Oh, hm. That is mysterious. I wonder if it would be recognizable to an Australian…

Yeah, I think it was originally in the living and dining rooms, and it had to be placed on a shelf, so I figured it was some kind of display item toy.

Didn’t that come out with the plants? I thought it was fertilizer

Ahh, that must be it. Yeah, I think it showed up at the same time. There’s a wiki with a list of all items that has “plant fertilizer” listed, so that definitely should be it. Thanks, that mystery item was bugging me.

Ah ha! I was going to guess “potting soil,” but I couldn’t think of a reason for a big bag of that to be in a bedroom closet. But I had forgotten there were a number of potted plants.

Well, for a second there my faith in the fact that this was the best game of 2021 was shaken, but it’s all better now!