Unpopular opinions - game mechanics

It’s easier to code hitscan enemies than realistically model gun skill and physics.

Man that’s a good one. I also wholeheartedly agree. There are very few games I love that make it work, but they’re the exception that proves the rule

So the Far Cry 2 mechanics. Last night I tried to do a mission, I had to travel across the map to do it. Not knowing the time I got there and started the fight and pretty soon it got dark, I could no longer see what it was I was supposed to blow up. Then I had a malaria attack, and I was out of pills. So I pass out and when I wake up (or died or whatever) I wake up in town talking to a guy who is giving me a mission that will lead to malaria medicine. WTF?

Had they just made the meds something I could buy somewhere and had they made it possible for me to know how many pills I have left instead of just going boom, you are out, things would make a lot more sense.

By the way, the mission I was working on, was to destroy one groups ability to get more medicine. Karma I guess huh.

The malaria medication is just another gameplay mechanic. You hit a point where the game was ready for you to do the medication resupply mission, that’s all.

And so it pulls me out of another mission, ships me across the map and starts me over on another mission.
I can’t think of any other game that does that.

Never got into a drinking game with ol’ Sam, have you?

Far Cry 5, oddly enough.

I can’t remember it happening to me during a mission. I think I ran out of meds during a random fight somewhere.

You just got lucky that it happened during a mission, I think.

Doesn’t Fallout let you, as long as you are in a safe place, run the clock ahead a set number of hours? Far Cry 2 could use that mechanic.