Unreleased game you want RIGHT NOW (July 2013)

No question, no competition for what I wish I could have right now:

Total War: ROME 2

Assassin’s Creed 4
Watch Dogs

Ubisoft’s got my number.

Age of Wonders 3!

Rome 2
Batman Arkham Origins
Star Citizen

Witcher 3.

Dominions 4
Age of Wonders 3
Worlds of Magic

Half-Life 3

You didn’t bold face your list. I cannot accept it.


Divinity: Original Sin

Limit Theory
Star Citizen

I know, I’m predictable.

Age of Wonders 3

Also, jpindard, I keep seeing Rome II and man, I really, really think this looks great. I actually enjoyed Shogun 2 most recently, but tend to have a hard time penetrating the gameplay in the TW games - what makes Rome II so exciting to you that it prompted this (delightful) thread?

Twilight Struggle
Buzz Aldrin’s Space Program Manager Thingie

Metroid 4

A new version of Dwarf Fortress.

Star Citizen too.

Dark Souls 2

Battlefield 4 (and a new PC to run it)

(also all other RPGs: Tales of Xillia 1/2, SMT 4 and so on)

An english translation of Baldr Sky 2 and SubaHibi (and all of Grisaia)

Clockwork Empires


The Division

As much as I hate multiplayer games, these ones have my number.

The lineage stuff in the original was wonderful, but most of all I think the troop type and battles with the Total War engine are the most perfect match for the rise of the Roman Empire. Honestly, every time I play Medieval 2, Empire, or Shogun 2 I wish I was playing “Rome 2” instead.

Total War Rome 2

Saints Row 4