US Government Shutdown Watch: 2018 Edition. More Bricks in the Wall?

So is squeezing coal into a diamond with your asshole, but if we just keep trying, I’m sure it’ll work out eventually.

I mean, in either case, these buns are fuckin’ steel, baby.

Well, there is cause for optimism. As triggercut pointed out, the Senate turned against Trump for the first time. So perhaps we lost this battle but set the stage for winning the war. Or maybe it will amount to nothing, who knows.

I’m all out of hope too, @magnet. The bottom line here is the Government does need to stay open. Given that money was earmarked for this stuff in the past and not spent, I expect that may happen again. We’re one day closer to voting him and these other assholes out.

Dude, what?

How are you turning $1.3 Billion for a few miles of wall and some repairs/maintenance into $13 Billion over 10 years? The DACA deal was a long term deal for money to build the stupid wall in exchange for amnesty for DACA kids. This is a one time deal for a fixed amount, non-renewable, and it’s less than any number Trump and the GOP had thrown out there to date. Apples - Oranges.

This is a smart move by Dems. Trump is looking less and less likely to survive 2020, and while his camp will surely try to frame this compromise as “Winning!”, Conservative Media is already framing it otherwise, and rightfully so. Trump walks away from this deal with a few miles of new wall made the same way we’ve been making wall since the Secure Fence Act of 2006 (which constructed nearly 650 miles of wall and wasn’t completed until 2011, well into Obama’s Presidency), and the Dems walk away with public perception that Trump and the GOP were responsible for the shutdown, and Dems are responsible for avoiding a second one. That’s political fucking gold that can be cashed in come 2020.

For someone who prides himself on the Art of the Deal and never backing down, everything about Trump’s Wall has been exactly the opposite, and America knows it. Now he’ll suffer the dual indignation of being lambasted in Conservative Media for rolling over to Democrats and the swamp, while at the same time John Q. Public is pissed at him because they’re not getting big tax refunds he “promised”, or worse, owing money, meaning they think he lied to them about the “tax cuts” as well.

The first two months of 2019 have royally sucked for Trump and the GOP. Dems couldn’t ask for a much better outcome given that they only control 1/3 of the government.

$20 billion might be long term deal, but nothing is set in stone. It could be cancelled by President Beto in 2021 with only a fraction of the money spent.

Likewise, $1.3 billion was offered this year, and also last year. It won’t necessarily be offered again next year, sure. But if you think this is a great outcome for Democrats, why wouldn’t it?

I mean, I’m told that it’s not worth risking a shutdown over the same paltry sum that McConnell and Ryan offered last year. So I think it’s reasonable to assume that we will offer at least the same paltry amount in subsequent years for as long as Trump remains in power and is willing to threaten a shutdown. At which point the paltry amount is not that different from the bigly amount. Minus the DACA of course.

These folks are just all over the map on messaging.


Minor correction: 1/6 of government since they only control half of Congress. :P

Why don’t they just pray for a wall? I’m sure it will be delivered if they pray & think hard enough.

I can’t photoshop but if I could this is the perfect photo of Coulter to photoshop her into a lich:

Oh man, I thought you already had. (NOTE! Not a comment on her looks, but on her innate ability to drain life out of anything wholesome and pure.)

If the Dems deliver and the Republicans don’t, then the president vetoes, the Dems can put their foot down and say “we did a deal, you guys were too extreme to agree, no more negotiation”, and let the Republicans squirm.

I mean. dude got nothing.

Alternate angle:

That’s a better outcome than the original coverage of the agreement.

It is. The initial reporting missed a lot of those restrictions.

Did we still lose, though? Exactly how much disarray are we in currently, on a scale of 9 to 10?

About 12. An NYT reporter is right now talking to someone from some left-ish PAC who is disappointed, and it’ll be the lede on the front page story. ;)

I’m sure we are all on the same side overall but:

People who think this is a bad deal for Trump: Dems House, GOP Senate, Conservative pundits,

People who think this is winning for Trump: Trump, Trump stooges (ie White House), magnet

Just saying! ;)

So $1.3B this year, $1.3B in Jan of 2020, then Trump goes bye-bye and the wall goes back to a maintenance line item in the general budget. In the end he gets about 12% of the money he wanted and there is no ridiculous monument to racism and stupidity with his name on it.

I don’t see how that’s not a win. Dems aren’t in a strong enough position yet to simply dig their heels in and say “No Money For Anything Trump Wants!”, as McConnell and the GOP would immediately shut down the government and pin it on the Dems “reluctance” to bargain, and we’d be looking at daily “Dems In Disarray!” stories.

Instead Trump has to sign off on something distasteful to both himself and his base, and loses more face with the 30% of America still stupid and racist enough to support him (it pains me to type that…30%…get your shit together America!) while taking flak from Conservative Media. Where are my “Conservatives In Chaos!” headlines?

Aaaaargh this whole line of argument is so dumb. Is the bill perfect? Of course not. Is it an obvious win for Democrats given the way power currently lies in Washington? Duh.

The only interesting debate is over the degree of how badly the man who is ostensibly President got pwned by the libs.