US Government Shutdown Watch: 2018 Edition. More Bricks in the Wall?

Well it’s not entirely wrong. I wouldn’t use the word tank though. Interest rates do affect stock prices.

Which is something Trump said he wanted to happen when he was campaigning.

Of course now that he got what he wanted, he’s talking about firing the people who did want he wanted.
Because he’s a fucking idiot.

He’s bored in Washington and pissed that’s he’s not golfing with his deranged sycophants. Expect a lot more.

Everyone, please stop expecting verifiable facts from the President! Arguing with an idiot makes you look stupid too.

That’s it, dig in your heels. That’s really going to make you pathetic when you eventually cave.

Hopefully Dems have some outs planned if he doesn’t cave, though.

They shouldn’t give that man a single inch. If they have a game plan, all the better.

The only way this ends is with Trump’s signature or a veto override.

For anyone else, I’d agree. But Trump always digs his heels in, and when he caves, he frames it as himself being the reasonable one. People might or might not buy that framing, but then the next tweet or idiotic news item hits and on we go to the next thing.

the only thing we have to fear is stupidity itself

He’ll cave, and he’ll trumpet whatever the ‘deal’ is as a win to his rubes. He’s miserable and he wants to play golf in Florida.

If the Dems are smart they’ll write up a single-payer universal healthcare bill, call it Trumpcare, and trade it for the wall. Then, in 2021, when the wall is still just 5% built, they can tear it down.

I do like this idea. But also throw in 1950’s tax rates on the wealthy and corporations.

The caving has begun. Now Trump seems to be OK with just replacing or repairing 500 miles of existing wall by 2020.

Much as I agree, I think some of his people would shoot him rather than let him sign that one. 90%! Delightful notion, however. I for one would be happy with the tax rate under Nixon, a mere 70% for the wealthy.

Throw in a 100% estate tax and you’ve got a deal!

How does he not stroke out from sheer stupidity?

Just go down to Florida and play golf, gramps. You’re going to anyway.

If this was the real issues he’d kick out all the citizens and leave the country for just illegal immigrants because they commit way fewer crimes than the us second gen natives (we’re not true natives since we stole that from the Indians).