US Government Shutdown Watch: 2018 Edition. More Bricks in the Wall?

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA, good one! I agree this would be awesome but I’d put the chance of this happening somewhere in the 0.00001% range.

I wonder why they haven’t considered a better fence instead, the cost to build would be cheaper no doubt. Someone needs to show Trump this:

As you can see they already do exist somewhere in Central / South America.

Where did steel slats come from so suddenly? Trump included them, parenthetically, in a tweet, and now Sanders is saying that steel slats are equivalent to a wall. Interesting. I wonder if they are shifting goalposts so they can more easily claim victory, or if James Hadden of the Hadden, Hadden and Dipp Steel Slat Corporation made a large contribution to his 2020 campaign, or if someone on Fox News said that if the edges are properly sharpened, a steel slat could decapitate illegal immigrants.

When I try to imagine a steel slat wall, I think of a Tom Sawyer-style picked fence. The kind that can easily be penetrated, and a noun that is quite different from a wall.

The army has been developing solar powered drones that can fly for ages, and be recharged remotely via lasers on the ground.

Seems like a bunch of those, with automated image recognition that alerted border patrol agents when detecting people in the desert, would be infinitely more practical and effective than a big wall of any sort.

Regarding the shutdown… Trump is gonna sign whatever they give him.

Trump wants to go golfing. He’s going on vacation. That’s literally going to be the driving force here.

I’m pretty sure our current administration would equip them with Hellfire missiles and shoot-to-kill programming.

At the very least the drones will be fully capable of disintegrating any water or food supplies that have been left for the invading army, right?

At this point, robots automatically culling the human population is sounding like an increasingly good idea.

misposted that to another thread.

Lots of personal schadenfreude watching this play out today.

As with the SCOTUS fight I’m sure I’ll come to regret how it turns out 😋

That Twitter thread is a good read, thanks for that.

Objection, your honor! By definition, a Twitter thread is obnoxious to read.

Seriously, though, good read.

But I thought all the patriots on gofundme were going to pay for the wall?

The best thing about that is that the guy who is collecting millions of dollars had literally no plan for what he’s going to do with it.

Literally no plan at all.

It’s not really important, since there’s no way it will not the $1B limit, so i assume the money just goes back to the donors like on Kickstarter.

That’s good, but you should also ask that guy what he thinks about socialism, then point out that he’s taking money from the collective to build a public “good.”

That wouldn’t make it a good grift.

Right now we have the guy’s word that he will return the money, but no one can force him to.

Lol, I’m starting a fund for the wall.

This has scam/grift written all over it.

First he’ll start taking “administrative” expenses from it. Then more and more, til the amount of wall they can afford to build is is 2" tall made of legos and spans his bedroom.

Or you know, he embezles it like that New Jersey couple who “rescued” a homeless person who gave them their last $20 (it was all staged, and the NJ couple bought a BMW and went to Vegas and blew half a million there. They got caught because they didn’t give the homeless guy his share and he complained.)

The beauty of it all is that it’s just Trump impersonating some guy collecting money. Going straight into his Mueller defense fund most likely.

Oh wow, I knew the couple were dirty but I didn’t know anything about the homeless guy being involved in the scam from the beginning. Crap like that probably happens all the time. People suck.