Check out the opening scene from “Postal”
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Check out the opening scene from “Postal”
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Henry Winkler is a Jew, afterall.
A laugh riot, he is.
Fuckin’ Germans. Nothing ever changes.
I guess he didn’t have any gags about tax breaks in the German economic system.
I love the stuka bombing siren sound that the jet makes.
Well, I guess that’s one way to make sure the U.S. media cover your movie. This oughta be interesting.
If people can get pissed off over The Two Towers, there sure be one hell of a shitstorm over this.
Well, it’s years later, and no one gives a shit about Boll.
He’s praying for controversy. We’re basically all his marketing department at this point.
People were upset by the title of the middle LOTR movie? How did I miss that piece of idiocy? Or am I not reading that correctly?
WTF? That was name of the original book, written like 50 fucking years ago!
People got crazy after 9/11. You may have noticed it.
people got pissed at two starbucks coffee cups as offensive to 911
Yeah. Even as recently as his 2005 review of ‘Stealth’, Roger Ebert couldn’t bear watching the bit where Josh Lucas bombs the Burmese skyscraper: “It looks so much like the falling towers of the World Trade Center that I felt violated by the image.” And let’s not forget all the wailings of “Too soon!” over the trailers for United 93, and reports of people leaving the theatres in tears. To be fair, though, I reacted the same way to the previews of “Wishmaster 2”.
The thing with this Postal clip is that, with or without the tragic context, I can’t figure out how it’s supposed to be funny. I can only imagine the future commentary track: “This guy, hehe, he’s the window washer and, hee-hee-hee, he’s actually washing the windows of the WTC… and he, like, turns around and… AHAHAHAHH!!”
Wait a minute… are you saying that nobody is interested in this thing, so its creator is doing everything he can to stir up controversy around it so people will want to experience it just to see what all the fuss was about, even though it’s absolutely a piece of crap anyway?
Because if that’s the case, Uwe Boll has made the most faithful film adaptation of a video game ever.
I think we can safely say he was the perfect director for Postal, yes.
I assume it’s just supposed to be offensive. I thought that was the primary hallmark of the Postal game franchise.
The petition was started as a joke, but I think some people latched onto the cause after reporting in news and such.