Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines II

What are the odds that this was politically motivated? Maybe the direction Mitsoda was taking the writing was too controversial for the game studio.

Likely enough to be plausible.

Despite pre-ordering the game way back on March 22, 2019, Steam granted me a refund yesterday. I didn’t think for a second that would go through! I hope the final game works out, but I’m concerned enough about the delays, lack of gameplay videos, and losing Mitsoda to stick to wait and see mode for now.

One of Bloodline 2’s community people discussed how the departures will be reflected in the game on the official Discord:

Alexandre is not there to change the course of the game or scrap Brian’s work - he’s a Creative Consultant, meaning he’s there to help the team realize their shared vision and fulfill the full potential of the game.

But will he leverage core competencies and synergize paradigms?

Nah, different vertical, bro.

Give me a 50,000 foot overview, soup to nuts.


I love this forum. So many funny, witty, smart people in here!

I’m not sure if this will move the needle for you, but I’m going to open the kimono a bit here. We identified several pain points we felt would compromise the customer journey and made the difficult decision to retarget our goals for the user experience. I don’t have enough of the details to do a deep dive on every challenge but I have pinged some individuals involved that can really drill down and provide you the information you need.

I understand you have concerns but we feel strongly that the narrative team is now in alignment and is poised to deliver a truly next-gen experience to our users.

I’ve never smoked, but I need a cigarette.

Any way to provide a more granular overview?

Let’s circle back to this once we’ve finished reaching out to all the stakeholders.

We’ll need to team to solution this with a right-sized response.

So awful. I love it.

I never again want to work for a large corporation. I do not miss all the emails and other communications sounding exactly like all of the above, ugh.

How long till every company just copies Weird Al for their Mission Statement?

God. I just had to deal with like 20 emails reply-all’ing about “are you available X time? no? how about Y? it can’t be Z” Instead of, you know, the organizer looking at the fucking scheduling assistant when setting up the meeting invitation and finding a block everyone has free. And this was for like 6 people. I can’t imagine a large meeting.

Sorry for the corporate derail.

For some reason it seems on-topic, so nothing to be sorry for. ;)

Let’s staff up a prep op group to action a best-of meeting time that fulfills the need. We can socialize the workable after we publish.

I first heard this expression in the section of one of those training things about what not to say. And I immediately thought, “who the hell would think this is an appropriate phrase?” I guess somebody does…

“Standard procedure” my ass

Its deliciously filthy. One of my favourite McElroy expressions. Filthy gibberish :)