Victoria Jackson Has Been Drinking A Lot of Kool-Aid

Why would you bother? Here the Gestalt-mind says that liberals and other Leftists are crazy brainy smart, while conservatives and Republicans are ignorant, racist, superstitious, neanderthal mouth-breathers. No amount of evidence to the contrary would chip away at that stereotype, which allows those that buy into the Gestalt-mind’s belief systems to dehumanize as well as feel superior to those who disagree with them.

Plus, you are one of those mouth-breathers and who cares what your drool-covered keyboard produces?

If being a communist and a satanist gets you struck by lightning I want to know who has been turning all those tall trees into communist satanist trees? And why do the owners of churches, towers and skyscrapers insist on installing communist satanist metal rods to the top of their buildings? Clearly, they are appeasers and sympathisers! True Christians would never engage in such pagan behaviour!

Man. I never knew that about Charles Rocket. :( And yet Joe Piscopo still lives.

What saddens me is that she should know better. She’s friends with Weird Al Yankovic, America’s Greatest Patriot.

But Bitter Cynic, 98% of the celebrities support Obama.

So listening to them is wise.


Nobody ever built them like this! The guy was either a certified genius or a pathetic wacko.

No one has ever bemoaned you for having a different opinion, Bob.

Though you are rapidly sinking to Victoria Jackson-esque levels where your alternate opinion matters less than your increasingly apparent lunacy.

I’ll happily point and laugh at Michael Moore, George Clooney or Matt Damon if they produce a blog wherein they express concern that McCain might secretly be the antichrist. Promise.


In truth, you don’t exactly have to dig very deeply to find a number of recent threads where supporting a Republican ticket is essentially equated with being ignorant, stupid, asshole, etc.

In remarkably the same way that G-dub equated Saddam with Al Qaeda, now that I think about it. Hopefully I’ll get a “yeah but his equivalence resulted in XYZ worse results!” reply because those are totally rad.

Her website is actually pretty cool. Glad to see she’s out, about, and working.

No. Laugh at Victoria Jackson for having a really bizarre opinion. There’s a difference.

Who’s keeping you from posting them? I’ll tell you what will happen.

  1. You will post a quote from a liberal celebrity saying something idiotic.

2a. There will be a reasoned discussion in which people discuss whether it’s idiotic or not, and may bring up evidence to consider as to why the celebrity may have a point.

2b. Everyone will just say, “Yes, that is idiotic,” and the thread will fall into obscurity shortly, because it’s fun to laugh at idiots but there’s nothing there to sustain a discussion.

But seriously, these threads don’t start themselves. Other people, with just as many posting privileges as you, bring in stuff they’ve found elsewhere. If you want more topics that interest you, start them, rather than pissing and moaning about their absence.

The impression that I am getting from the tone of the increasing objections to lefty threads is that we’re somehow obligated to offer up folks to switch teams to make the board more fair. Which is totally bizarre.

Strict balancing of advantages with disadvantages, in order to attain equal results, is the essence of conservatism. I wonder if Vicky Jackson will accept a position as McCain’s Handicapper General?

Actually, you’d have to dig deep.

But I love these “I’m not really part of it, I’m just judging your posting habits from afar”-posts because those are totally rad.

Please enlighten us on your views on the hivemind and tell us who’s responsibility it is to find and post about wacky leftwingers?
I’d love to offer my services, but I wouldn’t know where to look in the first place.

Man, talk about digging into the Dirt.

The fallacy you are committing here is called affirming the consequent.

—Ever Helpful Rob

Oh, but it was still funny.

The whole being struck by lightning bit reminded me of some passages in “God is not Great” so I thought I would run with it.

The people we are dealing with here are praying for god’s will on the 4th (with thAt being a McCain victory), and I just get really amused by how they try to explain things they don’t like happening. Not god’s will? Or are we being punished? Or is it the devil (in which case it’s still god’s will etc). It’s all so two millenia ago.

LOLWUT? OK before I spend the time, because I am boggling right now, let me be clear: you disagree that there are many examples of this very point-of-view in active threads (say within the last week) on this board right now? That no one at all has strongly implied equivalence between supporting a Republican and being an idiot?

I don’t know what you are talking about here. I’m criticizing the method of presentation far more than the content. I’m not being sarcastic or anything.

Your post alone, not leaning on the crazy Rhinohelix post just before, isn’t wrong, so don’t search.
You will find someone in some thread implying that just supporting a Republican is the same as being an idiot.

That’s not what rhino said and what it appears you supported.

I don’t know what you are talking about here. I’m criticizing the method of presentation far more than the content. I’m not being sarcastic or anything.

Then I don’t know what you’re saying.
We’re right… but just not being nice about it? I can live with that.