Video Gaming Books

The Romero/Carmack dynamic is so fascinating. It’s such a classic case of differing skills and personalities working to deliver something so utterly groundbreaking, but inevitably leading to a messy breakup later. Maybe slightly reductive, but it’s probably gaming’s closest situation to Lennon & McCartney.

Masters of Doom sounds really good and I’m certainly going to pick it up.

Does the book go into much (or any?) detail about modern id? I wonder how many people still there go back as far as Doom 3 (or earlier).

I have increasingly mixed feelings on nuDoom, but I do find it interesting that id remain such a tech powerhouse beyond Romero and Carmack. That legacy hasn’t ever really gone away, or even if it faded a bit, it’s back now even without them. id Tech is a marvel and in the context of modern shooters, I still think 2016 and Eternal top the pile.

No modern id in the book. The book ends in 2002, with Romero and Tom Hall happily working on mobile games, with Romero having really short hair. And Carmack mostly working on his new hobby in Rocketry.

You’re right, it is pretty interesting that id software is still a tech powerhouse even after Carmack. I hope they continue to do well and we get another memoir of their post-2002 years. I’m sure there’s plenty of interesting stories about the Call-of-Duty-like Doom 4 they were working on that was cancelled, as well as how Carmack got more and more interested in VR tech. And then how the new design and tech crew clearly took over at id that worked on the Doom Reboot.

This looks very tempting. Looking back at the history of Text games. The hardcover pre-order is almost sold out, less than 50 copies left, apparently.

I’ll probably get the $25 digital edition when it comes out. Though I bet the maps and flow charts will be hard to read in the digital edition.

This is coming out in February 2024. Could be tempting if I end up loving Nightdive’s version of System Shock.

When we lost Author Martin Amis this week, we lost the author of this classic!


I didn’t know Romero was writing an autobiography. Looking forward to this.

A review.

I want to read this.

I think my favorite part of Masters of Doom, was Carmack getting a Next workstation.

The articles are all on the author’s website. There’s some fascinating, wonderful, and really strange stuff in them. I’d like to own a hardcopy. Maybe it will get wider distribution some day.

Wow, that looks seriously cool, I love text adventure games. Might have to grab a copy of this.

Wow, thanks. Yeah, it’s a shame that the print edition is sold out. I hope they print more.

The book is out. Here’s the sample on Amazon’s page and holy shit this is not what I was expecting.

None of this stuff was in Masters of Doom.

The CRPG book is finally out! Just ordered one.

Yeah, the international shipping kills me, but I got the JRPG Book last year and kind of loved it, the Bitmap people have some good will with me and I can’t wait to see this one when it finally gets here.

How much is it with shipping to a U.S. address? Stusser, you bought it for here, right? What was the approximate total?

$46 for the book plus $15 for FedEx shipping (they are UK, I wasn’t clear but I did mean international as in to the US, sorry).

Cost me $61.00, shipped to the US. I look at it as a display book, a coffee table book, those are relatively expensive.

You also get the PDF instantly upon purchase so you can read through it on your ipad or whatever.

Yeah, these are absolutely coffee table quality… if you have a coffee table. I finally have room for a proper one in the new house and Go Straight is going on that sucker so everyone who visits can become a belt scroller/beat 'em up fan.

Think I am going to expense one on my professional development budget. Looks useful, as well as nice.

The Art Of The Box is out August 21.

I bought the FPS book back when that came out, and holy shit they do a beautiful job. Sewn bindings for the ability to lay flat. I didn’t think books did that anymore. Anyway, I put my FPS book right back in the amazingly high-quality box it came in, and just used the PDF to actually look inside the book. The damn thing is too nice to actually put out on the end table! Very high quality book.