Videogame voice actors strike

Chaturbate. Ok, I’ll keep that in mind as a backup plan. Lol.

I certainly didn’t mean to disparage voice actors, their talent, or profession. I’ve worked with many voice actors. Was just complaining about the rates a bit, going through talent agencies in LA. Didn’t mean to derail.

smaller guy… that has done a lot of voice over work for some of the podcasts I listen to.
Even this is around $500 for a 5 min job (for a commercial project) so it might be less for your situation.

Check him out - if you use him let us know :)

I also just got two dozen auditions for the narrator part, and they are UNBELIEVABLY good. Like every single one did a great job. So hard to pick or even dismiss one. So good!

Man, its expensive, but they really brought the narration to life.

@ArmandoPenblade has an amazing voice for radios etc. Seriously, listen to him on Tom’s podcast.

One day, Armando, One day…

I was summoned!

Does someone need me to read them bedtime stories?

The problem is, I have no idea how to reach out to independent talent. There is not a centralized website that I could find.

I’ll drop this discussion soon, I promise… but am listening to the auditions now. They are so good. A lot of actors from The Orville are on the audition reel. These men and women are so talented, way beyond what I expected. I recorded my voice as practice and it sounded like absolute dog poop. LOL. ?

Mind, Upwork and similar sites are sort of a race to the bottom, so lots of cut-rate “talent” there. . .

edit: and I’d be down to chip in a sample if you’re interested. I don’t generally do anything professionally and wouldn’t charge a professional price, but then again, sometimes you presumably get what you pay for!

Sample from me below:

Derail, heck, you made the thread interesting again.

Agreed. This has been very interesting.
@ArmandoPenblade That example you posted does sound very good, but the mic or software or something is causing some fluctuation to your voice. You sound much different from what I expected! :)

Yeah, unfortunately, my mic kinda blows. I almost suspect I’d get better quality recording my voice with my phone, but then you get into the hell of mixing and syncing audio + video sources and everything just goes to hell :-)

I have been toying with the idea of buying a decent mic early next year, as I am trying to get my JRPG tabletop campaign ready to go by then, and want to record the sessions for posterity!

I must thank you, @mrcjhicks for introducing me to the wonderful “Toast Of London”, which I have now been binge-watching. For anyone who happened to enjoy that clip, you are bound to love this one, in which Ray Purchase and Clem Fandango once again appear brilliantly:
The “Gay Porn Voiceover” clip, which needs no set-up. I haven’t laughed this hard in years. Apparently, this show has been around for several years, and somehow I was totally unaware of it.