Videos - YouTube and Beyond

I love those marble videos. Watched them with my kids just a few days ago, and we were rooting for a team just like in the real Olympics, but it was so much sillier and more focused and didn’t take 2 weeks. :)

Thanks to the post(s) above with tool restoration/reimagining. So much fun to watch people do this stuff.

That restoration video brought me to this art restoration, which went way different than I thought!

My first guess to what the dude was going to do was “throw it in a furnace and re-paint it from scratch”. Alas, I was wrong.


And even groovier:


Pretty sad that most scores these days forego the melody for “atmospheric” / “percussive” noise. Hardly any themes or humable music created for movies anymore.

Has this incredible thing been posted already? A Big Band version of “Still Alive” from Portal with some dude singing his ass off as faux Frank Sinatra:

You’re welcome.

Even better than Chicago’s efforts!

Best comment from reddit: “I’m broke-eeyo drift!”

Discourse won’t let me post this without modifying the text, since it’s just a link it means you get this quip.

Error was: “Body too similar to something you already posted” which is hilariously dumb since I’m specifically moving it to the correct thread so I edited it out over there. Also, I guess you can’t ever drop the same link in two places.

Wow, Dennis Hopper’s brother knows a lot about cars!

I thought he was going to start to sell me a cell phone or some cinnabuns.

I see your Pinky and the Brain and raise you an Animaniacs theme.

Lets not forget Ren and Stimpy.

I approve of this song.

Sorry - nothing you guys can counter with will outdo the single syllable at 2:39

There is some bullshit happening somewhere…