Vilmonic - Artificial life simulator/sandbox game

If you have an Android phone (or better, tablet) Cell Lab is the most incredible evolution game ever:

I wrote this a couple of years ago when I was playing it:

A tale: I was trying to complete a challenge that has you keep a population of cells alive in a petri dish where the sides of the dish kill any cell that touches them. I had a population of flagellates (cells that can move around to eat by whipping a flagellum), but they kept hitting the sides of the dish and I couldn’t keep the population high enough. I tried making the flagellate organisms heavier by adding attached cells, hoping they’d slow down enough to give me more population density, but this didn’t work either. So I imported my heavy cells into the experiment tab, set the petri dish there to have deadly sides, and turned the radiation up to high. I let this run for several minutes to introduce a wide variety of mutant variants, then I turned the radiation off to stop mutations and dropped the nutrient density to produce a competitive environment. After a couple of minutes I noticed that most of the remaining cells were flagellates that had attached cells arranged in a boomerang shape so that they spun in circles as they swam. I imported these to the challenge and immediately completed it. This blew my fucking mind . This ‘game’ is able to simulate natural selection . Through random mutation and then differential success, it produced a solution that is retrospectively obvious, but that I certainly didn’t think of; a masterful demonstration of Orgel’s second rule: “Evolution is cleverer than you are.”

I am definitely interested in Vilmonic though.