Virginia Governor's Race and US Election 2017 - America Fights Back?

I wish I thought this would stiffen the spines of the few remaining sane Republicans in Congress, but I think it will just lead to more retirements. They know they can’t plausibly run away from Trump.

Send that fuckin’ message to DC, baby.

My man.

Republicans need to be scared. Scared Republicans might impeach Trump, will cut back on their bullshit dog whistle policies. Even though I’m overjoyed that it looks like VA is turning blue, Federal Republicans need a heavy dose of voter fear. Winning in VA will give them that fear.

Harry Enten 7:58 PM

Another mayoral race seems to be going to the Democrats. In early returns from Charlotte, North Carolina, Democrat Vi Lyles has a big lead over Republican Kenny Smith.


David Wasserman 8:02 PM

Breaking: Danica Roem, a Democrat, has defeated 26-year Del. Bob Marshall, a Republican, in House District 13, becoming the first transgender person elected to Virginia’s state legislature.

Holy crap that’s amazing. 26 year incumbent! Way to go her!

No surprises, but still cool:

Moments after Jersey polls closed.

Aw shucks Cillizzas sizzlin.