Void Bastards - BioShock/System Shock 2 meets Cryptark

Yeah. Sadly, not my cup of tea.

I mean I’ll wait to see how this plays out, but the concept sounds interesting as described in this article:

So I got a copy of this, and about an hour in, it DEFINITELY feels System Shocky, primarily through the amazingly creepy audio of hearing bad guys before you actually get to them. Also limited ammo. Also creepy enemies (like “tourists” who are basically big glowing puffball things with fedoras that blow up when you get near them, splotching as they go).

What I’m NOT sure of if it’s fun yet. It might be too tense for me, but my tense might be someone else’s fun.

This sounds like System Shock too!

Hah, indeed!!

I wonder how that System Shock feel mixes with the procedural/roguelite structure that the game has.

Similarly claustrophobic ship maps and corridors.

“Definitely worth getting. I could not stop investigating one more ship.”

Me too. Pause for a sec Krayz… mixed reviews, Take a deep breath.

I got the SS2 coupon too. Mighty tempted…

Checks Steam library… owns System Shock 2.
Checks Steam inventory… no discount coupon.


1 minute later…


Gah, I only have System Shock 2 in a big box on my shelf! Keep us posted on your experience @krayzkrok!

You can get SS2 from fanatical for less than 2 bucks:


I think this should grant you a coupon as well since you get a Steam key? Not 100% sure though.

That’s not a bad shout, cheers!

Nice! Cheers krok!

Nice ! TY Krayz! Tell us more when you can!

Picked this up with the 25% SS coupon. This game is really cool and unique and really a new gaming experience for me with the exception of the FPS bits. Really glad I picked this up.

It’s charming, humorous and frightening all at the same time. You have to balance your desire to explore with how much oxygen you have. One of the ships I explored had a device that replenished your oxygen so I was able to explore the whole ship.

I’ve played a bit on Xbox this afternoon, and have gone through ten or so vessels. Launch on Game Pass for the win!

KK’s description above is good, and he’s seen stuff I haven’t- juves, for example. The one time I saw a Screw, I died (and rehydrated as guy who ran slowly, but is short so couldn’t be seen through windows). Mostly, my vessels have been full of Tourists.

The vessels aren’t really random as far as I can tell- there are distinct floorplans or classes of vessel, though loot containers (and what’s in them, obviously) are different, and enemies, too. So if you’re paying attention and are looking for particular classes of object, you can look for those specific types of vessel.

I’m having a ball with it, though. I think I’m about to ramp up in difficulty- there’s an odd symbol on the starmap, and a message about pirates…

When does the gunplay get good? I’ve only got the first two guns and the grenade, but the pew-pew is so disappointly plinky to me. I did have a pretty grand gunfight against, like, 20 juvies, but it felt like fighting with a BB gun. Ugh.


I suppose this is why they branded the game as ‘strategic shooter’. It doesn’t seem to be very twitch-oriented.