VR - Is it really going to be a success? Or, thanks Time for starting a discussion!

Yep, a great escape room game, just about right for casuals like me. If you want to pull some hair out, try Please Don’t Touch Anything! I made it to a certain point where the rest of the game opens up and it instantly overwhelmed me.

It’s really not a big deal - and a much better experience than using the headset with a cable.

That said, I prefer to buy any cross-buy game from Oculus for the option of using it from the PC or Quest natively.

YMMV. I prefer the cable. There’s too many variables with wireless.

Gorn and Yupitergrad are now on the Quest, and HyperDash will be released on February.

And here I present a Boneworks clone

Yeah - that looks insanely cool. Geeez!

I havent tried Boneworks itself though - is it like this?

I bought Beat Saber, Vader Immortal Episode 1 and Eleven Table Tennis. Beat Saber is as I expected and I had a good time playing the campaign - I think I completed all the missions through 7. My son will enjoy playing this, but since our head sizes are different I think it would be too much of a pain to play together switching back and forth. I is really nice playing without being tethered.

Vader Immortal is pretty cool, but there isn’t a lot of game there. It took < 2 hours to get through the story and the game elements are light - some simple puzzles, climbing. It does have a couple combat scenes which are fun. The atmosphere is very good but I wish a lot of these VR games didn’t use such a dark palette. The separate dojo is fun, with escalating challenges with a light saber.

Eleven Table Tennis feels pretty good. I can put a spin on the ball similarly to how I do in real life. I’m not sure they get the ball velocity right though. I can hit the ball pretty hard in the game and the ball doesn’t seem to travel as fast as it should. The odd thing is that is seems to get the speed more correct for a back hand, but the fore hand seems to slow. I only played against the AI on easy and then medium.

I’m trying to decide if I should keep or return Table Tennis. I think I’d get bored playing the AI, even if it does beat me on harder difficulty levels. I’m not sure. Maybe I’d prefer Top Golf with Pro Putt or Walkabout Miniigolf.

The dojo included with Episode III is my favorite because you have force powers and can toss the storm troopers around.

Ven VR is out. Reviews are positive in Steam

Also in Viveport Infinity

Woah, once you get into Gold ranking, Blaston is a different game! Some people are really good, and it makes you sweat in a few minutes. In fact, Oculus Move really isn’t make the best job in guessing calories spent, because 10 minutes of playing Blaston tires me more than 15 minutes of Beat Saber, and still it gives me less calories than not 15, but 10 minutes of BS. Crouching to the ground and jumping around with the full body is more complete excercise than just flailing around your arms.

BTW, I love how creative you can get with the VR equivalent of victory dances/dancing emotes. You can not talk in the game, there is no mic, but you still can express yourself by amusing gestures like:
spinning around
egyptian dance
thumbs up or down
shaking the head
hands to the groin
fist bump
hands to the head
etc. You get the idea.

I’m not sure I understand the draw of playing a platformer in VR?

I haven’t played the VR platformer game Moss but it is highly praised. Maybe it gives the player a better perception of the platform environment as you guide your little buddy around the level?

Someone should make Banjo Kazooie VR!

Yeah the range and expressiveness of the gestures people are doing in this is really impressive!

Need to put some more time into it. Only got up to silver rank so far.

It’s not bad, if you’re a platformer person then it’s worth trying. There’s something extra charming about a platformer in VR, akin to watching real mice in a maze rather than on a TV. It’s not a VR showcase by any means, but it does seem to have a little added to it.

I haven’t played Astrobot, but it’s one of the best regarded VR games.

To be honest, VR doesn’t really add anything to the gameplay of a platformer, but it actually happens that the extra immersion factor doesn’t only work with first person games, it also works with third person games like this. You feel as if you are there, watching some guy jump.

The Ssnctum tower defence games are a bit like that.

Platformers are great in VR. VR adds the same thing to platformers it does for any other genre, immersion. I have a super hard time getting invested in platformers on flat screens, but find the extra immersion of VR does the trick for me. Like all things in VR the immersion comes with the cost of all the negatives of VR (resolution, comfort, blocked off from the rest of the world, etc) so whether extra immersion in a platformer is worth it to you largely depends on why you play platformers, IMO.

***I think I replied to the wrong person ******

Yeah, it’s hard to explain what VR adds to a platformer until you actually try it. The experience is so much better for it. Or an RTS like Brass Tactics - being able to move around the battlefield and watching your guys follow your orders is immensely satisfying.


Quest update