Virtual reality: to boldly game like we never gamed before...

I bought Eye of the Temple for Steam VR and it’s well done but I’m not sure I’m crazy about it. I’ve only put in maybe 45 minutes. So far the game mostly is about stepping onto moving platforms and rolling logs. There is a whip you get to use from time to time to grab levers and some simple combat.

I have to say, stepping out onto a platform feel real. It took a little bit to get used to as I almost fell over a couple times. It is smooth and I never felt nauseous, but it definitely screwed with my balance. When it started introducing some verticality, it felt cool to ride it up. It was really hard to convince my brain to step out onto a moving platform when I was elevated even though I knew I was standing on the floor. It’s crazy how powerful that feeling can be. it was similar to when I did a ropes course and was high up but tethered and knew i wouldn’t fall.

But I thought there would be a more adventuring to it and maybe some escape room type stuff. I didn’t really investigate the game before buying. While it can be cool to experience the immersion of feeling like I was doing these things - I wasn’t really enjoying a game completely centered around it. If it sounds appealing to you, it does seem really well done - maybe just not my thing.

it may be too much for me. I knew there were puzzles where you need to step on moving platforms, but so far it seems like that’s pretty much the game. Ther