Warhammer: End Times - Vermintide

Ugh, 3 matches in a row tonight, just got my ass handed to me, even on EASY. 1 other person and 2 bots cannot do a map where you have to transport barrels.

Couldn’t someone have more prominently stated: Vermintide: Warhammer L4D vs Rat Men!

Just bought it and downloading now!

Or they could have titled it:

Get revenge for your last loss in Blood Bowl 2 against those Skaven!

I started playing on Hard at level 18 and have remained on Hard pretty exclusively since then. This is my first coop game in years, and, man, it’s brought back some painful memories.

The idiots who take and use medical supplies when clearly someone else in the group needs them more.
The idiots who don’t stay together.
The idiots who don’t know the level. Directly related to -
The idiots who play on Hard who clearly have no fucking business doing so.

When I see a level 2 doing a Hard? Yeah, you’re fucking useless. I started playing on Hard at level 18 because I felt by level 18 I started to have a basic clue how the game mechanics worked, and even then I primarily stuck to the 1-2 characters I played well and who were equipped. The only reason I was successful doing Hards at 18 was because everyone else on the team was higher level than me.

The biggest challenge on Hard is to avoid damage. Know how to block / dodge / push.

Inspired by this thread, I picked this up yesterday. I really like the Warhammer+Melee+L4D combo. I’m crap, of course. I was vilified for dropping a tome in order to heal and then forgetting to pick it up again. Which, guilty, but my witch hunter had to hide his head in shame after.

A question for the beta-doers, or anyone who just knows what they’re doing: what’s behind the shrinkage of the health bar? I don’t mean basic health loss, I mean that everyone’s bars are shortened on the interface. Is it related to grimoire and tomes? Cursed dice?

There are, at most, two grimoires on a mission. For each one carried by a hero, everyone’s maximum health is reduced by 25%.

It’s a grimoire which gives a 100% die. Some levels have two, though they are well hidden. If your team is good you should pick one up. You should only pick up both of them if your team is quite awesome as the health reduction is additive. You can drop them by selecting it and left clicking, and it will poof - unlike a tome you cannot pick it back up.

You should always pick up tomes.

Edit - Man I love typing shit on my phone. 2015 and they still have a long way to come.

I shouldn’t have clicked on this thread. Now I need this combined with Space Marine.

There’s something about traversing a level that makes it much more interesting than a regular horde mode.

I am really, really appreciating how much knowing the combat mechanics are huge in this game. I just tried playing with some newer players and even though the gear difference was essentially nonexistent as I have mostly greens, I could really tell the skill difference. Knowing when and how to do different attacks is just so big in this game. As is knowing when to dodge, push, or block. Also knowing the difference between the weapons with each of their strengths and weaknesses can’t be understated either. The more I play it the more I think it has more in common with Monster Hunter or Dark Souls than L4D. The game design is L4D borrowed to the extreme for sure. However, the moment to moment choice and focus is much closer MH or DS.

I guess what I am saying is while there is a loot chase, it is just a chase. The real “leveling up” is in the player.

Damnit… I didn’t need to hear about another awesome sounding game right now.

Even with amazing games like rebel galaxy and the gw2 expansion out right now, this is the game that is owning my late nights. It occurs to me that I don’t have a lot of folks from this thread in my steam friends list. Might be a lot more fun to be a noob with friends rather than the general public. Well, aside from Belisarius. ;) My info is in the sticky thread for gamer tags if any other noobs want to die horribly together

Completed a hard with 2 grims, rolled a 6! And it was one of those loots where the 6th spot was a blue and not an epic. Pfft.

2 more levels to complete on hard and I’ll start attempting the next difficulty. Matchmaking remains spotty.


  • Added Music Volume slider
    - No longer possible to pick up potions unless dropping any held Grimoires first
  • Fix for bots not using healing draughts in combat
  • Fixed achievement “Balthasar Gelt”
  • Various localization bugfixes
  • Fixed issue causing level complete to not trigger
  • Fixed various startup crashes
  • Fixed a crash in particle system
  • Fixed a crash in animation constraint system
  • Fixed a crash in I/O system
  • Fixed a crash in Audio System
  • Potential fix for startup crashes

Does that mean all grimoires will be dropped if any hero picks up a potion, not just those carrying grimoires? If so, yikes!

Man I need to get back to playing this. I’m not all that great at it, but smashing skaven is just so fun!

I heart Vermintide. Except those times when drowning in endless special spawns by a sadistic AI director that totally knows my teams is a bunch of unherded cats running everywhere but near each other. Even then, once the gnashing of frustrated teeth is over, I still heart Vermintide. I find myself thinking longing thoughts throughout the day about timing repeated rapier charge attack into endless rat faces interposed by quick musket volleys to peel enemies or thin onrushing waves.

I know it’s Fall (Retail Hammer: End Times- Gamingtide) and this is a hidden little indy title way off to the side of the Fallout, Halo, Guild Wars, Call of Addiction, etc superhighway, but darn if this thing isn’t really awesome.

I’m having a hard time resolving my free time between this and Heroes of the Storm, with its 50% holiday bonus experience until next week and Halloween portrait grind (25 wins by mid-November). My first world crosses are difficult to bear, I know.

Unfortunately, very unfortunately, I know what you mean. In the earlier post I was thinking of saying something like “I have two games of the year.” Heroes of the Storm is a long term wildly variable level of enjoyment that is driven on by all sorts of fallacy and addiction head games that has me constantly thinking about what do I have to play each 3 days to maximize free resource gain. Still, I do enjoy it, and I keep coming back. I just know that a good portion of that feeling is by design. The other just straight fun GOTY (at this point) is Vermintide. Such a surprise gem. Sigmar save me if they implement some sort of daily grind, holiday bonus, or limited time cosmetic whatevers on that one too.

On launch day I watched a bit of the Dev stream they had on twitch. One of the things they’re looking to implement are some form of Quests (Daily, weekly etc, they hadn’t decided yet) that you can do for extra loot.

So, the two hardest levels are -

Wheat and Chaff
The White Rat

Wheat and Chaff is the harder of the two. I have completed every level on Hard many times, but not these. I’ve come close in The White Rat, but never close in Wheat and Chaff. Wheat and Chaff probably needs a nerf. It’s too open, and the rats just keep coming and coming.

In The White Rat go LEFT once you reach the 3rd floor, not straight. You’re about to fight an ogre and several Stormvermin and the planks in front of you don’t give you enough room to fight. Everyone goes straight, because herp-a-diddly-derp there’s a chain right there!


Wheat and Chaff has always been a group killer for me too. Just too many Stormvermin all the time. I’ve only played the White Rat once so far and we died miserably, just so many slaves and clanrats, all the time.