Way to Keep in touch?

This may be a little bit weird, but I was wondering if QT3 has a discord server, or some sort of apparatus that would allow us to keep in contact throughout the week. Right now, I rely heavily on Tom’s games podcasts on MWF to have some connection out there. Some days (like today), I have a hard time getting along without someone to chat with or just keep in contact with in some way. Maybe I should just steam friend all of you? I don’t know. Any ideas?

Link expires in one day: https://discord.gg/f2uaZE

Can anyone use that or is it one use only?

Anyone can use those links until they expire.

There’s also slack. The majestic @Dave_Perkins can set you up on this is you would like.

Slack is for playing games and making puns and sharing stories!

Don’t forget the cat poop.

That’s only on Wednesday’s. Keep it straight.

Thursday’s are for ruminations on facial hair, and Fridays for Mars rover discussions.

I think I used to, possibly, maybe, be on Qt3 slack? If so, I don’t have my info. If not, can I get an invite? :)

Just PM me an email address (everyone who wants in).

I have no idea what this is all about but if this is for tryouts for the Jr Illuminati Rotary Club, I want in.

Junior? Man you are out of the loop. To be clear, there is no loop. There is no cabal. FNORD

If there was such a kind of esoteric organization within an organization… You would have to give them your true name. The one that only you know. Once we they know that, you are under a geas. That geas will not let you talk about it. But since FNORD it doesn’t exist this whole concept is foolish and only for us… to debunk.

Ewige Blumenkraft und ewige Schlangenkraft. Morgen das sonnensystem. Hail Eris. All Hail Discordia.

Burma Shave. French Canadian bean soup.

When you join on Slack, be sure to add the Codenames channel. We always have a Red vs Blue game going on.

Hey! That’s today! The engineering cameras subsystem team all got breakfast burritos and now all the other subsystem chairs are grumbling about how their team leads don’t bring them anything.

Mission updates:

Every day is cat/bird poop day.

Amen. Oh, and dog poop.

well I have a potty training toddler and a newborn, for me it’s all about that poop.

No treble!

Discord is pretty empty. I’m starting to slide into a deep depression. Just need to talk. Unfortunately I can’t afford therapy anymore.

Slack is busier, not sure we can help you with your depression but you’ll certainly have people to converse with.