WebOS is Back, and HP is Declaring War on MS

While there are many flaws, I love my Pre’s form factor, and WebOS just feels more intuitive than anything else out there on the market. I am probably going to upgrade this year, and I’d be much more inclined to upgrade to a Pre3 than a new Android phone, unless Google radically redesigns the OS to make it substantially less ugly; the UI of Android just seems pukey and not much of an aesthetic upgrade from your typical 2002 phone.

So it looks like HP will be moving from their (Palm’s) Mojo framework to the Enyo framework soon. HP said that they would provide an emulator for Mojo apps for a while, but the writing on the wall seems to be that eventually that will be taken out in later versions. I’m sure the app developers aren’t too happy to know their current apps are effectively end-of-lifed by this announcement.

That being said, the Enyo framework does look pretty nice. It supports ‘pixel density’ independent apps, which I think is their way of saying “Universal Apps”. I would guess using web technologies, this might actually be somewhat easier for developers than Apple’s approach but I’m not sure.

This may be what they mean with bringing webOS to PCs. Maybe not the whole OS, but a framework that can run webOS apps. Just speculation on my part.

Link: http://www.engadget.com/2010/11/21/palm-webos-enyo-framework-paves-the-way-for-tablets-and-larger/