Weird controversy sweeping Reddit now

That first piece linked in the thread, while certainly anti-trans in its tone and presentation, does also present some other bad things… like admissions of Nathanial Knight (who I think is her husband now?) to writing what sounds like child porn.

Sure, if it were ONLY her father, that might be excusable… but the stuff about her husband seems to ALSO be problematic. It seems like there is some kind of pattern of association.

Just for the sake of disambiguation, writing stories that features minors in erotic situations is distasteful but legal. It’s not “child porn” in the traditional “lock-them-up-ASAP” sense of the term. I know there’s a lot of kinks out there and different folks get their motors revved over different things, so I try not to judge. Assuming no actual children are involved/being harmed.

I didn’t say he committed a crime.

I said he’s fucked up, and I wouldn’t want to associate with him.

Choosing to associate with that kind of guy (indeed, MARRY them), when coupled with the fact that your own father is a convicted child rapist… ya, that seems like you are going a bit beyond coincidences at that point.

At that point, I’m gonna think you’re pretty fucked up.

This is not illegal nor does it actually harm a real life child. I mean we have court cases that proved this and actual prolific authors that do the same thing. Now I am not saying that what this other person writing is anything like a Stephen King kid orgy, but nothing they’ve said says he did something illegal. Whether or not a company wants to be associated with that, is up to them.

It seems like she was groomed by someone much older.

Of course not, just throwing that disambiguation out for the rest of the thread. A phrase like “child porn” is a VERY loaded phrase and implies horrible felony behavior that should be stopped immediately. There’s plenty of potential for confusion in this debate when discussing her father vs her husband, because her father most definitely DID create child porn and is paying for that with a long time in prison. Thus I felt it was important to clarify.

Like I said to Tortilla, I’m not saying that guy needs to go to jail for it.

But I’m totally comfortable judging him as a fucked up dude, who I sure as hell wouldn’t want around my kids. Sorry, but fantasizing about kids in sexual situations is not cool to me. I don’t think it’s cool to anyone here, right?

And again, if that was taken in a vacuum, then maybe it wouldn’t be much… but taken in conjuction with the fact that this person was ALREADY associated with an actual rapist and child molester? Sorry, but that seems too much to overlook.

And none of this has anything to do with that person being trans.

How do you know it’s a screwed up fantasy in the first place? I mean the guy who created the Alien said he dreamed about it first; are we required to avoid him forever cause wow. Murder and horror writers also think about their work. Stephen has a literal orgy in his book with kids. I mean I didn’t really think much about this other guy who is not the father and is not the employee but somehow is involved in this… but is there something that makes you think he’s some sort of perv? I can’t even follow the fetishes involved here… and there is a sentence I didn’t expect to write today. Armando mentioned them… in one of his posts.

I haven’t read the stories in question, and I don’t think they are public so I don’t know what involved in them. There’s a difference between fantasizing about actually harming children vs kinks that consenting adults can enjoy with each other that feature trappings of childhood. I really don’t know which the stories featured and I’m not about to rush to judgement. Nor do I think you should.

Well, the guy himself described it as “smut featuring minors.” His description suggests that he was actually writing pornography.

The scene in Stephen King’s “It”, isn’t really pornography, in that it actually is a scene which serves a purpose in a larger work. There’s a significant difference there, right?

Hey, maybe this doesn’t sound weird to you guys, but it sounds weird to me. It’s kind of making my skin crawl to talk about it.

We don’t live in a country where we throw people in jail because they make distasteful books, or distasteful movies or even distasteful games. I’m just not willing to support turning the entire country into Utah because some people don’t like it.

If there are actual children involved, prison time. We’ve established specific laws for that.

Like I said, I’m not saying it’s illegal.

We don’t throw people in jail for being Nazis either… but I don’t want to hang around Nazis.

That’s not the same thing… at all. Nazis killed millions of people literal bodies in gas chambers and unmarked graves, instigated a Word War and continue to advocate death on a regular basis.

It’s not really your business what fictional writing people do or what fetishes people have so long as they are legal unless you actually want a relationship with that person. I am so glad you kept it in perspective though. I mean clearly people writing sexual scenes you don’t like are JUST LIKE actual NAZIS.

Reddit had a long history of turning a blind eye to child predation happening on it’s service. I’m not surprised they don’t want to touch this with a barge pole.

Reddit has a long history of letting just about any group do whatever they want on their site. The rest of us get a peak at it when it overflows enough to spill onto other sites… which for me is usually some random gaming related site.

Sorry, i wasn’t drawing an equivalence between people who wrote pornographic stories about children, and Nazis.

I was just pointing out that they are both people who, despite them engaging in legal activity, i would not want to associate with them, because i find them to be messed up.

You don’t need to agree with my ethical and moral opinions of those people. That’s up to you.

I’ve seen other sources where she claims the tweets about those stories came about because her partner’s account was hacked. Do you have a link to a non-anti-trans-activist source where Nathaniel Knight has recanted and admitted he wrote these kinds of stories?

Like, don’t get me wrong, “I was hacked” is the go-to defense of people who fuck up on social media, but if your fiancee is currently undergoing a party-level probe into her hiring of her pedophile rapist dad, most people would have the good sense not to hop onto social media and say “I totally write porn about kids, by the way.” The usual “I was toooootally hacked oh gee oh wow!” routine comes out when someone steps into shit they foolishly didn’t realize was shit (e.g., a racist is TOTALLY surprised to learn the longstanding racist phrase they dropped is, in fact, racist) or when they accidentally tweet from the wrong account (“I reserve all my communications about trying to buy bathwater from e-girls for my burner account, NotACongressman68. Which, um, isn’t mine, either.”).

My concern with that particular angle is that, in the fallout from the issues around her dad, Aimee Knight was absolutely the target of a lot of deserved ire and also transphobic opportunists (the LGBTQ-space equivalent of those shithead racists who LOVE to crop up and remind you that most black murders are black-on-black crime so it’s totally not racist this cop killed one or whatever the fuck their argument is). Someone drops an accusation her partner writes child porn and he hops straight on twitter to gleefully take credit for that? I dunno, that is kind of a stretch.

And, again, even if you toss that out, it’s reasonable to still have deep concerns about Mrs. Knight’s judgment given that she hired her under-prosecution dad twice. So I’m not here to say that you’ve gotta believe she’s a fundamentally good person. But I do question whether one of your more serious issues with her is based in reality or is just some false flag nonsense, and I haven’t seen anything definitive either way, but again, it’s very possible I’ve missed a follow-up story that confirms it one way or the other.

I don’t believe for a second Knight was “hacked.”

Yeah, it’s super hella likely he’s both an idiot and an enormous creep. Not what I’d exactly call good husbanding material, but, you know, I’m not an expert on the field or anything.