Welcome to the new Quarter to Three forum

That is some issue with Android Chrome, looks like you somehow requested the desktop layout on a mobile?

Yea, I prefer the desktop view so force requested it via the browser menu. It was working fine in the past – may have changed when the font size was updated but I don’t access on mobile enough to confirm.

This is 100% an Android Chrome issue, nothing to do with us. See:

I strongly don’t recommend using the desktop view on mobile.

Also the FAQ link at the top of the hamburger menu (the one with the word new next to it) will now properly clear, once clicked.

I do suggest reading that link as @tomchick put a lot of effort into those rules.

Thanks wumpus!

I can’t recall if this was discussed, dismissed, considered or anything, but is any change going to be made about seeing the thread topic on mobile? Ie, when you’re in the thread and have no idea what the thread title is without bouncing to the top of thread and then back down again?

It’s a feature that’s been requested and documented in the Enhancement thread. There was no discussion whether it’s going to be a yes or no. Here’s hoping it will be considered.

The current thinking is, expanding the progress bar at lower right will show the topic title. It’s something @sam has on his list.

So I just posted a post that listed three things in descending order by number, as in, 3-2-1…like so:

  1. Take Shelter


  1. The Station Agent


  1. Seven


But when I post this post, it shows all three numbers as 1. In fact. this very post is doing the same. I can see it over there in the preview panel making the same mistake as I type this out.

What gives?


That is how Markdown works. See http://commonmark.org/help for details and the interactive tutorial shows how to escape characters early on.

That’s one of the down sides with Markdown. If you check out this post, I explained how to avoid it.

Thank you both. It’s hard to read from all of those examples, but what I took away from this was that I…

  1. had to put a bunch of extra spaces in


  2. should have listened to the “spaces vs. tabs” debate on “Silicon Valley” much more closely.


Hmm, no, what I recommend is to escape the period using a slash, like so


I thought one of the early tutorials covered that.

“Add a bunch of extra spaces” is gonna be a dangerous strategy in Markdown, as spaces have meaning you probably didn’t intend. @clay your answer is about continuing lists, and I don’t think his question was about that at all.

You’re right. Because it refuses to respect my numbering. It interprets a 3-2-1 list as 1-2-3…because I’m too dumb to know how to count apparently.

I’m sorry to be dense, I don’t know what you mean by "escape the period. I’ll try it again.


Add a slash in front of the period.

That did it. Thanks for walking me through this, wumpus.


P.S. What’s the notification at the top about emails being shut off?

Or just be simple about it and do something like:

  • (3) This
  • (2) That
  • (1) The other
- (3) This
- (2) That
- (1) The other

I’m futzing about with that solution, @clay, but it’s not working. It keeps gumming up with the bullets.

Plus there’s the simple thing for me that it’s either numbers or bullets. You use one so you don’t have to use the other.


It’s weird that you have to escape the period. It seems weird.

Nevertheless, I love that phrase on so many levels.


Wow. A glance back at some old threads reveals that the numbering in these cases is now all broken.

Glad I didn’t put any junk between the numbers in the original posts of the hundreds of 3x3 threads I’ve created, because they’d all be hosed.

Guess I need to learn more about Markdown. Thanks again for the links.
