We've got movie sign? - MST3K Kickstarts Netflix series

Keep circulating the links.

Watched some Turkey Day, and put my money where my, um, eyes were. The new guys seem good (and I’m looking forward to new guys, actually. As much as I love the old show, Turkey Day reminded me just how much it was filled with references to commercials for products that no longer exist and Bob Packwood jokes.)

Two tips: there is an official MST3K channel on YouTube with full episodes, and also today/Black Friday you can buy digital downloads of episodes on sale and have it count towards the Kickstarter goal.

Also been watching the turkey day marathon, great stuff.

Same here, the MST3K crew kept me company through about 6 hours of cooking today (much to the gf’s chagrin, as she isn’t nearly as enamored of the series as I, but on the flipside, cook chooses the background noise ;-)). It was a real treasure to hear (and kind of see, when I wasn’t paying enough attention to where my knife was going).

I found it.


Jungle Goddess
The Painted Hills
The Screaming Skull
Earth vs. The Spider
The Crawling Eye
The Corpse Vanishes
Robot Monster
The Slime People
Robot Holocaust
Moon Zero Two
Untamed Youth
The Black Scorpion
Rocket Attack U.S.A.
Ring of Terror
Lost Continent
King Dinosaur
First Spaceship on Venus
Cave Dweller
Pod People
Time of the Apes
Fugitive Alien
Mighty Jack
Star Force: Fugitive Alien II
The Unearthly
The Castle of Fu Manchu
The Giant Gila Monster
Teenagers from Outer Space
Attack of the Giant Leeches
Indestructible Man
Hercules Against the Moon Man
Magic Sword
Manhunt in Space
The Beatniks
Crash of the Moons
The Rebel Set
Monster a-Go-Go
The Day The Earth Froze
Bride of the Monster
Warrior of the Lost World
Swamp Diamonds
Secret Agent Super Dragon
I Accuse My Parents
Operation Kid Brother
Wild World of Batwoman
Beginning of the End
The Atomic Brain
Outlaw of Gor
Santa Claus
Village of the Giants
Zombie Nightmare
Code Name: Diamond Head
The Violent Years
Last of the Wild Horses
The Starfighters
Racket Girls
Red Zone Cuba
Danger!! Death Ray!
The Beast of Yucca Flats
Samson vs. the Vampire Women
Night of the Blood Beast
The Brute Man
Incredibly Strange Creatures
Devil Doll
The Phantom Planet
The Pumaman
Touch of Satan
The Final Sacrifice
Devil Fish
Future War
Blood Waters of Dr. Z
Horrors of Spider Island
Side Hackers
Wild Rebels
Space Mutiny
Merlin’s Shop of Mystical Wonders
Radar Secret Service

Recommendations? I can spend 20-30 bucks. (4-6 episodes)

It always hard to remember which movies have particularly good riffs. I always liked the Russo-Finnish movies like The Day the Earth Froze because at least they’re pretty to look at. And get Monster-a-Go-Go if you want to get the worst movie they’ve ever done (yes, much worse than Manos). Others I have warm fuzzy memories of: Pod People, Beginning of the End, Secret Agent Super Dragon, The Violent Years.

Fugitive Alien.

And Mitchell. Definitely. Too bad Eegah! doesn’t seem tone on the list.

The Fugitive Alien movies are must-sees. The Final Sacrifice, Space Mutiny are also must owns.

Did you mean “seem to be on the list?” Either way, it is.

Pod People and I Accuse My Parents are still funny and I’ve seen them each a dozen times by now.

Time of the Apes is another good one.

Yes, that’s what I meant, “Good thing Eegah is on the list.” Damn autocorrect.

Yes, that’s what I meant, “Good thing Eegah is on this list.” Damn autocorrect.

You don’t need to pledge money then. Remember, this is not a pre order. This is contribution to the project to get it made. Thinking of theses things like preorders is a mistake. They are a donation, which just happen to get you some gifts in return.

If you aren’t comfortable with that, then just wait until it gets made, and watch it then.

I will gladly buy old episodes and have the proceeds go to the kickstarter.

Patton Oswalt looks to be in as the new henchman, TV’s Son of TV’s Frank.

Holy crap, if that’s the case, that’s AMAZING.

Yup, that seals the deal for me. Pledging now.

Argh, gonna have to bump my pledge up. I want at least 9 episodes of this!