WH40K: Chaos Gate

Qt3 should add a little number next to the thread title for each new game. Every time someone says “It’s not bad,” the number ticks up one. We can call the number the “It’s Actually Bad Index” :)

took me a bit to realize, but any time you use willpower it also seems to increase the warp surge meter

Yes, I think it is 5% for each WP used.

That said, I used to consider that a reason to not use special abilities but now I feel Warp Surges are inevitably - they can be managed as to timing but not avoided. So instead of avoiding special abilities, they need to be used strategically. They are still game winners.

Also, I’m not sure if using WP to boost your regular attacks counts or not. I’ll have to pay more attention.

Yep, every use of WP adds 5%. The surge only ever triggers at the end of the enemy turn though, so once you’re going to hit 100% anyway you can just keep spending WP without further effects.

I got an armour recently which lets one of my willpower-heavy knights cause no surge from willpower use. Pretty nice.

I get that, and I appreciate the updates. No matter what they do though I don’t think the game can sell being in charge of a chapter of Space Marines very well. There’s a fundamental mis-match between the scale, the tone, the lore, and the mechanics in my view.

I mean, I’ll pick this up on sale eventually no doubt. I just don’t find it compelling at this point.

You are not in charge of a chapter - you are in a charge of a single strike force on a single ship. On top of that, at the beginning of the game your strike force that has been depleted down to a single squad of 6 Grey Knights - you actually lose the prior Strike Force Leader in the Tutorial (noble sacrifice, etc.) You do get to interact with the Grand Master of the Chapter but mostly to be told what a pimple on His Mighty Imperial Butt you are.

I like the scale of the game. YMMV.

How do I use strategems?

up on the dpad ;)

Ah, ok, that’s a little better. I still don’t like the scale–it lacks gravitas, or any real impetus or meaning for me–but that makes a bit more sense. I had thought the strike force leader was a higher ranking Marine than I guess he was.

I think my main issues are the camera (the one in Gears is so much better), the general tone (too light), and the (to me) lack of what I think of as the expected 40K grittiness. As you say, YMMV.

There’s a little book icon for Stratagems in the upper right of the screen just to the left of the camera control/screen turning buttons.

Thanks! I would have found it after a year!

I missed it before my restart of the campaign b/c the tutorial DOES show it to you but with one of those weird arrow thingies that goes away once you click.

The tutorial has a LOT of “blink and you miss it” kind of stuff like that. It’s kind of an ADHD tutorial.

Remembering to actually use strategems is even trickier than spotting how to use them in my experience.

The only critical wound I’ve had so far could have been avoided if I’d remembered about my +2AP strategem. I wonder if there’s an option to not automatically end the turn, might help me think about that.

The Grand Master is an a-hole btw. I just did a thing where I sent him a Plague Seed to show how dangerous the menace is, which cost me making the Inquisitrix mad for a 50% research penalty for 45 days (ouch!) and when the Grand Master got my seed, he was pissed at me for bothering him and penalized me a Requisition. Asshole.

My Grey Knights are doing well but my ship and the systems we are supposed to be protecting are struggling. There’s a certain sense of creeping dread…

I just got to the point where Andy Serkis shows up as a voice actor and yeah, it was well done. That whole sequence was pretty dang good.

Is there a listing of the voice cast somewhere? Serkis and his inherent excellence aside, I feel the voice cast is actually doing a better job than in many 40K games. It’s all over dramatic and bombastic but somehow it flows and has good pace.

I really like the VO too. They did a nice job with it and the animations.

Another X-Com leftover that took me a few missions to realize. If you heal your minions during a mission, those healed injuries don’t factor into recovery. Only injuries you have when the mission ends. So if your tiny dude has 1 hp left and you heal him back up full. He will be full health for the next mission.

As far as classes go, about 1/4 in I would say Purgator > Justicar > Interceptor > Apothecary. Unless I’m missing something here.

I’m a bit underwhelmed on the Apothecary class, but healing has decent value so I’ve been bringing one each mission anyway.

This is not my experience. Though now I’m questioning myself and will have to check.

This is based on one mission, so I could be wrong, but it seemed like my healed guy was back at full strength. There is a full Heal strategem that you get early on, which is what I used when I checked. Maybe it’s different than an Apothecary heal.

Healing during a mission does stick as far as I can tell.

The ACG review also said that is the way it works, so heal your guys in mission when you can.