What American journalism can learn from The Daily Show

There was a story a while back about how some holocaust scholar canceled an appearance on a show because the show said if they had her on, they’d also have to have a holocaust denier on for ‘balance’.

Do you have a link to that story?

Yeah, I would find it hard to believe even Fox News would extend the concept of “fair and balanced” to include the viewpoint of a Holocaust denier.

Fox News? Pshaw. Try C-SPAN.

I know google fu

Although that may be a totally different incident.

Balanced and politically correct journalism…you’re on notice!

Oops, wrong show. ;-)

Hey, they actually canceled the denier. That’s somewhat heartening.

Yeah, but what kind of dim low-wattage lightbulb thought that fit the criterion of ‘balance’? It’s astounding how high up the food chain dumb people can manage to get in some industries.

Yeah, well, in this case that kind of low-watt thinking has affected most journalism schools, newspapers and television stations in the entirety of the USA. It’s the whole “multiculturalism” idea that started in the late 80’s bearing its fruit.