What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

There’s this:

Here in .nl we are having some sort of culture war over a late 19th century holiday tradition where our version of santa claus, sinterklaas, goes around riding a horse giving gifts to children. He’s accompanied by a servant called black pete, zwarte piet. He’s dressed like a 17th century house slave would have been, and is a very unapologetic caricature of a black person: curly black hair, big red lips, slave earrings, etc. It’s horrible if you think about it.

And of course there’s a sizable contingent of people who put all their racism and hatefulness into it and yel they are ‘defending our proud dutch heritage’. Fuck them. There’s been violent fucking incidents last year at public sinterklaas happenings. Which are a childrens’ thing. Assholes.

Now the last five or so years, there’s been an increasingly insistent voice from our small colored minority that this shit just can’t stand. And the more woke parts of .nl stopped dressing up black pete as a negro slave, but with only swipes of soot on his face, from climbing down chimneys, or even in entirely different colours, like bright blue and green. This makes the fuckers in the above pic knowing and insistent racists. Fuck this place, please nuke us.

From their perspective, they were always racist, and therefore don’t understand the surprised reaction.

I’m sorry the guy died. That’s unfortunate. I’m also sorry he tried it in the first place. Life can be too enjoyable to risk it for something dumb like this.

The thing is, people eat a lot more stuff than that. I have to think that he didn’t prepare for it. “Professional eaters” will consume much more. 65 hot dogs. Hundreds of other things like bull testicles or well, whatever. OTOH an amateur shouldn’t try it. The pros do things like drinking a lot of water, the day before. To expand their stomach. I’m guessing he was just a guy that tried to fulfill a bet. Sad.

What we’ve got here…is failure to communicate.

A hundred pound woman ate 65 eggs in less than 7 minutes.

Only if the people responsible for the prevention are also responsible for the effects, which often isn’t the case.

Do eggs become toxic if you eat too many of them all at once?


To put this in perspective, Sonya Thomas could eat an entire newborn baby and have room to spare.


Death Stranding


How exactly does a person die from eating too much? Ruptured stomach? Suffocation because their stomach takes up too much space? Blocked airway cause stuff retreated too far up the esophagus and into the throat?

Ruptured stomach or tearing of the esophagus. Both sound equally horrible.

And sometimes choking. I imagine it’s huge strain on the system, and you’re just not going to know what you can take until you don’t take it i guess.

I feel so sorry for that man’s family.

What could possibly go right?

Usually popping their stomach or esophagus, but this is made worse by certain types of food.

Apparently, if food had a high fat or protein content, it can inhibit the stomach’s impulse to release it into the small intestine, which can increase the likelihood that you will throw it up or harm yourself if you resist the urge to throw it up.

This is one of the things that tends to happen if you try to chug a gallon of milk.

Multiple employees have been fired, they’ve been talking about sensitivity training and reaching out to the guests… how about banning the racist asshole? Who gives a shit if he is a regular. When someone makes a request like that, tell them to leave and not come back.

I saw on the news that they did ban the customer.

This made TV news huh?