What do you remember that shows your age?

The same thing happened in Miami in '83. They were scheduled to play the University of Miami Baseball Stadium (seated 20-25K), it sold out in like 4 hours, and it was moved to the Orange Bowl (seated 83K). Kind of a Zeitgeist year for them, Ghost in the Machine followed by Synchronicity; from Alternative, popular post-Punk artists to Stadium Rock gods in 1 1/2 years.

That JC football stadium probably sat 17,000 or so, but I would imagine some of those seats sucked. It was an old stadium even back then.

Having to dial the building/company operator to ask for an “outside line”.

Having friends and associates balk at the idea of leaving a voicemail instead of a message with my secretary.

I still have colleagues who do this, and it drives me nuts.

Insist on “finding me,” or at the very least leaving a message with my secretary because otherwise they don’t know when I might be around next.

It’s like, I’m a fucking professional. Leave a voicemail, I’ll return it when I’m free. Never in the history of my work has it ever taken longer than half a day.

I don’t like voicemail. I don’t like having to check something I have to listen to. There’s a sense of freedom to leaving the phone at home and going out and enjoying the day with no one being able to contact you, like it was in the old days.

Er, getting back on track, something old? How about Tang, drink of astronauts! How many remember that?

I remember that! In fact, I remember when the Space Program, as it was called, was such a rage that advertisers strained to connect their products with it. I even remember Johnny Carson satirizing it. My favorite was Splashdown Toilet Paper.

You probably could have stopped at “I remember Johnny Carson”. Hashtag-trollface

Ha! No that’s for youngins.

Remember when shampoo came in glass bottles?

Yes, remembering Carson only pins you in your 30’s. Which I am, and I remember watching Carson’s last show.

I forgot.

Pretty sure none of us have the time or space to get into a “What have you forgotten that shows your age” thread.

We always had a bottle of this stuff in the house. Back then it was in a cobalt blue glass bottle. As a kid I’d eat it out of the bottle. It was like ancient pop rocks.

We had a stove with a deep fryer.

For real? That is so cool. Love the wood paneling.

Man, that’s great. Why’d they stop doing that? (Enormous fire hazard, probably?)

Edit: Apparently it’s called a “deep well” cooker or burner, and mostly just wasn’t as versatile or easy to clean as a normal one. Also, probably took up space that the oven wanted to use. Still cool though!

Not only do I remember Tang, I remember Grape Tang:


I have 2 glass TANG pitchers at home we still use!

Also Al Bundy and his famous TANGwich.

Not my pic. Close approximation found online of the stove we had.

I do dig that paneling too, though.

Wood paneling needs to make a comeback. My Dad’s den was an homage to this room at Graceland (also stuck in the 70s). Except our shag carpet was orange.
