I keep seeing this abbreviation used a lot. What does it mean?
For The Win.
Fuck, the what?
Fire the women.
Now I’m really confused.
Just kidding. It stands for Fuck The World.
it means people are lazy and obnoxious (LAO)
The score is 90-89. Two seconds left on the clock. You pull up at half-court and throw up a shot. “Ioticus drives to halfcourt and throws up a prayer for the win… It’s good!”
QQ, gg
It means, “I am too mentally deficient to compose a compelling description of the subject of my enthusiasm”. For example–
“Most influential shooter? Gotta go with Doom. Amazing tech for the time, creative level design, near-perfect mix of weapons, and a bestiary that forces you to vary your tactics from moment to moment.”
“Most influential shooter? Doom FTW!”
F***ing Troll Wanker
Anyway, these guys are all just joshing you. It means 4TW.
For the Wife.
As in, I need to get some flowers FTW on Valentine’s Day.
Will the real definition please stand up!
Screw one real answer, here’s 20+!
Zylon FTW!
It’s for the win, honest.
It’s totally Fort Worth Meacham International Airport.
Typed on the internet it means, “for the win.”
Tattooed on a forearm it means, “fuck the world.”
Fourter To Wee