What does the title "Return of the Jedi" refer to?

I always thought that it was Luke that got revenge… on the Empire… for killing his aunt and uncle, you know? Unless you count as Darth Vader getting revenge on the Emperor, but that would be thinking too much?

I mean really, with a title like “Attack of the Clones” you have to look at the obvious when trying to decipher the title.[/quote]

But, again, Revenge or Return works for all parties in consideration: Luke, Anakin, the entire Jedi order. They all get revenge, they all return.

Correct me if I’m wrong, but I believe the first Star Wars didn’t include either "“Episode IV” or “A NEW HOPE” in the title crawl. These were added later to re-releases, much like the “To Be Continued…” was added to the end of Back to the Future for video release when they realized they were making a sequel.

I’m not sure about “A New Hope”, but Episode IV was definitely in the original. The idea was that we were jumping in mid-story, like one of those old movie serials where we missed the first few episodes.


Can’t remember who it was I heard being interviewed, but it was pretty clear Lucas decided to wrap up most of what he had conceived of for 7-9 in the ROTJ.

I’m fairly certain it says both Episode IV and A New Hope in the original (non special edition). I’m 100% sure its in the radio dramatization (1981).

According to the Wikipedia:

The designation of “Episode IV: A New Hope” comes from the heading of the introductory text of the opening title, but it appeared beginning with the 1981 re-release, in order to be consistent with The Empire Strikes Back (and the eventual sequels and prequels that followed since). This is because 20th Century Fox wouldn’t allow these words in the screen crawl for the original release, fearing it would lead to confusion.

So I guess I was wrong initially.

— Alan

a) They didnt want to use the word ‘revenge’ because Jedi don’t look for revenge.

I was watching something about this and they claimed the title was changed because Star Trek 2 was going to be named The Revenge of Khan and they didn’t want the audiences to get confused. I don’t know if this is true or not.

I remember that as well.

Me too. I think I remember reading that in a Newsweek story back in 1983 about RotJ.

The way I saw it, and I don’t know if this is at all similar to what Lucas intended or even meant, but I thought of it as the form Anakin would want to be remembered by. Vader, as far as I was concerned, didn’t have a form. He had few distinct facial features with the mask removed, and it certainly wasn’t the face I’d want my son to remember me by. Outta curiosity, did they change his face after the mask was removed, or is that still the original actor?

When did they change the ROTJ name? Wrath came out in '82.

— Alan

They took away Yub-yub too :(