What does this look like to you?

Oh, and is that Vanessa Williams?

It is indeed. The .gif is from Ugly Betty, a show I did not enjoy, but that does have excellent reaction .gifs.

Ah yes, figured as much, had a crush on her for years but never saw Ugly Betty. Thanks!

Thanks a lot for pulling the pix, Jack.

Now whenever I see you post, I’ll be thinking…

Premature Jack elation.

Obviously it is failure.

I met her when I was a kid. Here is the pic. I’m the little boy sitting right next to her:

Yeah, she was still Miss America at the time. I was in a school choral group, and we sang for her at a benefit dinner.

Are we reviewing the thread already? Because this was my favorite bit.

Good thing they stripped her of the crown then, look what a terrible influence she was.

Wow, I really hate you now. ;)

Want to see a picture of this baby bird I found?

That is just too adorable for words. So instead, have a gif from Chii’s Sweet Home.

But he didn’t recognize her general thigh/bra area?

Methinks something is suspect.


In my mind, the kitty falls asleep directly after that .gif concludes. Because that’s what my kitties do at that point (well, sometimes they take a bath first), and it’s the most adorablest thing ever.


dies of the squee

So its and adorable kitten gif-off you want now is it?

Deal. With. It.


Are there any statues against cat-shoe marriage? Because that cartoon cat looks like it’s about two seconds away from a shotgun wedding.

Can we just do cat gifs in response to all of Rajah’s threads now?