What future Xbox Live game do you want?

I’m curious what upcoming Xbox Live games people are looking forward to? To be honest I can’t of a whole lot, but a couple that I am anticipating are, of course, Halo 2 and Crimson Skies!

Is Crimson Skies just a port or a re-working? The PC version had problems but I still found it enjoyable, and the plane designs were awfully stylish.

It’s a complete redesign, sort of a sequel, with less sim and more style. I played several missions at E3, and it was pretty damn fun. It looks about a zillion times better than the original PC version. Some of the environments are absolutely amazing, with many more planes in the air (they showed off a city level that totally blows away the city environments from the PC game). It feel a bit less like a flight sim and a bit more arcadey, however, if that matters to you.

I’m looking forward to this one, too.

Phantasy Star Online, for starters. After that, then any MMORPG- I’d really like to see how they would work with just a headset. Right now they’ve got some sort of Star Wars thing (they’ve said it will probably be significantly different from the PC version), their own cel-shaded True Fantasy Live Online (by the makers of the the forthcoming Dragon Quest 8 and the Dark Cloud games), and there’s rumor that Big World: Citizen Zero is an exclusive too, though nothing’s been announced.

As for Crimson Skies, I’m not sure that’s Live enabled. They said it wasn’t , but then delayed it for so long, I’m hoping they add Live support.

A Live version of JSRF would be great. Rival gangs and all.


To extend the replay value of the game even further, Midtown Madness 3 features extensive Xbox Live support. There will be three modes specifically playable over Xbox Live, including tag, stay away (which is like tag, only multiple people can be considered “it”), and capture the gold, where one team of drivers has to explore the city looking for treasure while the other team has to protect it. Of course, the cruise, blitz, and checkpoint options (which have support for up to eight players) will also be supported online, and cruise and checkpoint will have split-screen and system-link support as well. As far as downloadable content is concerned, the development team and Microsoft seem to be set on offering additional cars for download, but other features are also being taken into consideration, such as downloadable areas for both cities.

(crosses fingers and prays for Motocross Madness 3 with Tag mode)

Oh, the hours we spent playing Motocross Madness Tag at LAN parties… man that was fun. It just may be the ideal LAN party game-- no learning curve, easy to play, and absolutely hilarious against other people.

Uh, doesn’t midtown madness 2 have all those multiplayer modes, too? You need to play through the Zone, which bites, but otherwise aren’t they describing all the gameplay from MM2 (which is a great game, but two years old…)


Yeah, but nobody actually played Midtown Madness 2 online. I’m just excited because there are teamplay modes like capture the gold, where the car with the “gold” is extra heavy and difficult to handle. This is an ideal console multiplayer game. At the very least it beats the crap out of the “deathmatch, deathmatch, and MORE DEATHMATCH” multiplayer ethos of MechAssault.

Motocross was a bit more fun for “tag”, mostly because the physics of the bikes are very different from the cars. It’s all about big air, going too fast and wiping out on turns, missing your landings and bailing, etc. Fun stuff.