What have you played in the weekend?

Speaking of Minecraft, I found out LAN play just plain circumvents the parental restrictions stuff and played some with my boy last weekend. He was and is completely blown away by having had his dad pootle around in his world. So cute.

So now he’s building something. A surprise. And he can’t wait to share it with me. But I told him, not until the weekend. It’s a parental instinct, to put brakes on shit that get’s em too high.

The funny thing is, that very sesh I also tried minecraft on the VR headset. That actually works really well. That game is so simple, it get’s rendered perfectly fast enough. Still, it made him a bit dizzy and had far less impact on his 7 year old soul than the sheer unimaginable awesomeness of multiplayer.

There’s something of an aphorism in there I think. ;-)