What have you played in the weekend?

That’s great. I usually have to buy my cars! It’s lucky to find one.

I’ll be playing Elder Scrolls Online fer sure.

Probably Guild Wars 2, Shadow Warrior 2 and Owlboy, mostly. Though I guess most of my time will be spent working on fully functional web app prototypes for work.

TIE Fighter and Particle Fleet Emergence, methinks.

@Otagan, you should really finish Saints Row IV. ;)

For me , its gonna be some GWENT , and maybe some BF1 and TF2 also.

And give up my title? Never!

Excellent choices, sir.

But it’s a title of great SHAME , you just don’t realize it! :p

Elder Scrolls Online. Some Shadow Warrior 2. Mostly assassinating royalty and following a Mage’s Guild quest. Such very cool stuff.

Picked up a cheap Far Cry Primal, so I’ll play a bit of survivor mode in that.

Probably also continue my game of Skyrim SE, and maybe grit my teeth and dive into a likely embarrassing run for the Brogue Seed Challenge.

Also hankering for another (unsuccessful) attempt at defending Farmingdale from the Dawn of the Zeds.

This weekend will be chock full of Stellaris for me. I picked it up in a sale a few weeks ago and now I’m hooked. Just about to win my first one.

This game has a lot of warts and boneheaded design decisions but the core 4X formula is addictive enough to keep me grinding out long wars against huge empires just to vassalize one small neighbor.

Luckier still that the keys were inside and it was unlocked.

I will be playing modestly modded Skyrim SE, in which I am a Bosmer Shitheel.


If that’s not a typo, what the heck kind of a build is that?

Between ESO, the Day of the Devs Humble Bundle, and the November unlock - umm, who knows.

My son on the other hand has binged his way through the entire Mass Effect series, Dragon Age 1 & 2, and will soon dive into 3. In about the time it took me to get through Witcher 1. He’s a very scary machine.

I’m still playing some Civ VI, although not exclusively anymore. I have started dabbling in Elder Scrolls Online, but I’m not sure it will hold my interest. I have an indoor tennis match on Saturday too!

Weekly PGA Tour rounds for The Golf Club, weekly Brogue challenge, little bit of ARK: Survival Evolved to stock my new water pen, and try to finish my first Civ VI game.

On the PC; Satellite Reign because its great, and probably some Warframe as I think there’s a new patch afoot with a great quest - or it will be just around the corner.

and probably some Destiny on the PS4 because I must get my light level to 400 and do the Hardmode Raid + Challenge mode this reset since I’ve been slacking… oh yea, also need to do all the bounties for this week.

I should be playing WOW, but I think i’ll just unsubscribe instead.

No work on the blog this week, so it’s likely gonna be:

Which, so far, is SO great. Really taps into that RCT vibe.

I also wanna get in some:

And some more:

Should be a good weekend. :)

Civ VI, Tyranny, and Afghanistan '11