What have you played in the weekend?

I’ve been mainlining Elite Dangerous again, just participating in the Tutumu Confederacy CG. Gotta stay in the top 50% and roughly double my cash on hand. I never manage to get in on all the crazy exploits people come up with, so I’m still in an Asp Explorer.

In my case, mostly Thea: The Awakening and Tales of Zestiria. If I have some extra time, I may play some Tyranny and maybe a little bit of Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun.

I had high hopes of tackling some of the games I bought during the Thanksgiving sale. lol yeah. Turns out I’m just playing Vermintide and CoE 4.

26 hours of The Witcher 3 in 3 days.

Yep, I knew this would happen eventually.

I’ve been playing Dishonored 2, and am in the middle of chapter 8. As a whole it’s a good game, but I was starting to get a little Dishonored fatigue. I went back to focusing on the objectives and am having a better time. I start spending too much time looking for runes and such and it starts to get too dragged down. My renewed focus has put a drag on my resources though. I’ve also been firing up The Crew for short bursts.

Hex (pve)

All about Hearts of Iron 4 this weekend. Had many false starts in the past but feel good momentum on playing to the very end this time, enjoying it quite a bit.

That Snowdrop engine is the badness. I’m really looking forward to seeing them maybe developing some more games in it. Smooth as silk and wicked beautiful to boot.

I did the same thing. I’m just a little shy of level 8.

Yeah I too sing its praises in any thread where semi-justified. :)

I thought Ubi were going to focus on it as the primary engine going forward, to replace Anvil, Dunia, Disrupt, and whatever else they use - but I’m yet to hear of anything else using it. Pretty sure Wildlands is using another new engine.

basically something ridiculously relaxing

Been a busy weekend. I’d like to get some gaming time in, but most likely won’t get anything in besides my correspondence chess games. Hoping to spend some time with Ashes of the Singularity.

I’ve already done some Grim Dawning yesterday, some this morning. I also got an hour or two of Ori and the Blind Forest last night, and about 30 minutes this morning. The plan is also to get a little farther in RAGE as well this weekend. It’s not as good as DOOM, but I’m having a decent time.

After finishing Dishonored 2, I figured I’d give Watch Dogs 2 a try. I didn’t play the first, but this one is giving a good first impression.

Speaking of RAGE, is that compatible with the wired 360 controller? I was playing through the tutorial bit and for some reason the normal analog stick controls weren’t working.

Picked Crysis 2 yesterday from my copious backlog. I really enjoyed the large open maps from Far Cry and Crysis, so I was surprised and disappointed to find that this one is just a corridor shooter.

Think I have Crysis 3 as well, so maybe I’ll try it today.

I played through 11 hours so far. All on the wired 360 controller. Works fine here. Maybe the tutorial has a section where they’ve disabled movement for in the beginning? That rings a bell.

I finally got swept up into (and very much enjoyed) Banner Saga.

So last night I picked up (and am enjoying even more) the sequel! It’s fantastic!

And @ShivaX and I have been playing a lot of co-op Total War: Warhammer. Still one of my favorite games that came out last year, and co-op is just a blast. He’s going Wood Elf and I’m trying my hand at the Empire, as I’ve barely played them yet.

How does this work? Are you playing against another 2-faction AI team?

No, it’s the same normal Grand Strategy map, but both players chose what faction and legendary hero they start with. Some combinations work better than others (especially since now they have added a few additional start locations/legendary lords for the same race, like the Dwarf for sure and I think a few others so far). If you are playing as Greenskins and are co-op with Dwarfs, for example, other Dwarf factions will hate your Dwarf ally for “having treaties with greenskins” and vice versa, which can actually make things … interesting. But it works out fine either way, you just have to conquer so much territory and research so much tech to “win” (not that we’ve completed a co-op game yet, the itch to start a new one is always stronger than finishing up the previous one; also we’ve gotten our asses handed to us a few times). It’s really fun, I highly recommend co-op Warhammer.

Been on my Amazon Kindle with

  • Dawn of Wonder (The Wakening Book 1) by Jonathan Renshaw
  • The Wolf of the North: Wolf of the North Book 1 by Duncan M. Hamilton

Now I’ll probably have to wait several years for Book 2 of either to come out…