What induces nerd rage in you?

Apparently drag-and-drop images doesn’t work from within the same thread, but see Zylon’s screenshot. This whole conversation started because the year isn’t paired with a day – the month is paired either with a year or with a day but not with both, and the only way to know which case you’re in is to look for the apostrophe.

May 12
May '12

And, as we’ve already established with the furor over the mobile font size, it’s readily apparent that the average Qt3er is essentially blind–a sightless, aged husk, crawling steadily toward mortality’s inevitable conclusion.

The example is rather artificial – you already have a big gap indicator when that happens.

Normally like things are paired with like things, e.g. you’re looking at 20 posts from a decade ago. They’re all going to be formatted identically. See one and you’ve literally seen them all.

I am not super opposed to “european” style day reversal e.g. 5 Feb versus Feb 5, but it’s firmly in the “ehhhh…” category of not enough people caring about it to complain, and the people who do tend to complain about this are, uh, a bit pedant-y. Not just about this minor issue, but about everything. I feel like even if we made that change, they’d just complain about it, like they complain about everything. A no-win scenario.

I am not super opposed to “european” style day reversal e.g. 5 Feb versus Feb 5, but it’s firmly in the “ehhhh…” category of not enough people caring about it to complain, and the people who do
tend to complain about this are, uh, a bit pedant-y. Not just about
this minor issue, but about everything. I feel like even if we made that
change, they’d just complain about it, like they complain about
everything. A no-win scenario.

By “european” you mean “un-American”? :)

Does Discourse localise for different regions, e.g. Japanese? If so I request ‘en-gb’ ;)

I’ve started typing YYYY-MM-DD for filenames and other strings for sorting purposes. I’m so used to it now that I catch myself writing dates that way in emails and things, which I usually turn back to “American” style so that I don’t confuse anyone.

I do the same thing. It just makes more logical sense to have the units of time arranged from most to least significant.

Logitech SetPoint update requires a motherucking reboot on Windows 10?! WTF is this Windows 95?! You fucking amateurs. It doesn’t even warn you it’s going to reboot, either, at the end of the install it’s just “Click OK” button.

Fuck you guys.

A supposed programmer on my team thinks you have to escape smart quotes in strings.


That’s awesome

Fuck iTunes. I copied the the 10 part Lolita audiobook to my phone so I could play it at the gym. I am grooving to the first part and learning all about HH and his early marriage and then suddenly Lolita is there and HH is head over heels in love and I look at my phone and it’s already playing part 10. I went from part 01 to part 10. It’s on shuffle, but there is no way I can figure out how to turn shuffle off. I have to go back to iTunes, do a Google search, and basically experiment until I can figure it out.

The fact that this…

…has been infesting half the ad networks on the planet for months now. What the hell, guys?

Aaaaarrrrrggggggghhhhhhhh! Costco.ca suggests a password of up to 20 characters, but then disables the ability to paste in the strong password generated by Keepass. Trying to type 20 random characters and then confirm the same random characters is very hard to the point where I end up with a short vulnerable password so I could get my order placed.

Urgh, disabling paste in password fields is a totally user hostile dick move. Can’t that be overridden by the local browser though?

I am not aware of any specific setting. Assuming the functionality is done via javascript, then turning off javascript would work with the risk of breaking other things on the page.

This annoyance of preventing password pasting has caused enough anguish that somebody has come up with a bookmarklet that can be used to re-enable pasting on those annoying forms. I found it on this blog. It only works on Chrome and Safari. I was able to use it to change my password at the previously mentioned annoying costco.ca site.

What induces nerd rage in me? My Aunt’s and sister-in-laws continual barrage of anti-vaccination, anti-science crap on Facebook.

Go commiserate in the stupid things you see on Facebook thread and help yourself feel a little better. :)

I dumped an old, dear friend because of his anti-vax insanity. People like that drive me crazy. I just refuse to be bombarded with bullshit. Is blocking them an option, JP?

Microsoft Access thinking it knows better than the user and overriding field types on append, cutting off a ton of data. The approved solution is to add a row of junk data of the correct field types and delete after import, instead of the program actually doing what was asked of it (what a novel idea).

People who start a thread on a topic to ask why there isn’t a thread on the topic… which then becomes the thread on the topic, with the thread’s title then eternally questioning its own existence.