What is more like Star Wars

Just another poll on Star Wars games that could be cool.

I like Bioware’s game. Looks to be cool. Long live the Canadians at Bioware. They can do no wrong (for now).


BTW, does anybody know if Kotor Xbox is being released in July? The screenshots for it look so damn sweet. And please don’t vote ‘shut up’. Its not fun when you don’t participate.


Then why include it as a choice? :?:

I guess its a choice because some people here love to say, “FUCK STAR WARS”. So I wanted to give them something to vote for I guess… I don’t mind now actually. I understand now.


I’ll cast my vote for the Factor 5 Rogue Squadron games, since I have always considered Star Wars to be the film equivalent of an arcade action videogame.

I do love me some KotOR, though.


Basically what MK said. I tend to associate ‘action’ with Star Wars more than anything else because the story and the characters aren’t terribly deep/complicated. Way back when I played Domark’s Star Wars game or the 3D sequences in the SNES trilogy I had something like the ‘ultimate’ SW game in mind. Rogue Leader comes pretty close to what I was dreaming about ages ago. (It’s not an ‘übergame’, but it’s the kind of SW title I always wanted to see.) I’ll check out Jedi Academy and KoTOR, too, of course, but when it comes to “What is like Star Wars?” I’d vote for Rebel Strike (aka Rogue Leader 2 or Rogue Squadron 3 - whatever you prefer).

My vote is for Privateer - not even in the Star Wars setting but it lets you be Han Solo nonetheless and he’s Star Wars to me. I’d vote for just about any of these games because they all convey elements of the films. When the Space Expansion comes out, depending on how good a job it does actually making space adventures interesting - I really don’t want to see X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter just tacked on - I’d vote for Star Wars Galaxies over all of them. Grand land battles, overland adventure in exotic locales and space travel - SWG will be closer to the Star Wars films than anything else.

I think it might be fair to say that SWG will be closer to the prequel movies than any other game, in the sense that there will be a lot of characters wandering around talking crap while nobody knows what’s actually supposed to be going on.

But I agree that the Factor 5 games come closest to hitting that Star Wars sweet spot best of all. They’re easy to pick up and play and seem to be based around a fairly solid design principal: What are the bits of the movies that people would most like to take part in? Certainly I have harbored a dream ever since 1983 of a kick-ass first-person speeder bike chase, and I’ll be buying the latest ROGUE title just to get my hands on that.

If we’re talking STAR WARS wish-lists, more than anything else I’d like to see a really well-realized lightsaber combat game, possibly along the lines of BUSHIDO BLADE or any of the fighting games that handle weapon-based fighting convincingly.

I picked Jedi Academy, since whacking things with a lightsaber is what I want to do in a Star Wars game. KotOR is a close second.

Really that should be considered unlike Star Wars, since I watched Episode II again the other night, and was reminded what a steaming pile of shit it is. We must turn to games to find the Star Wars fulfillment we seek.

I picked the Rogue Squadron games, because to me Star Wars is the movies. KotOR looks cool, but to me isn’t Star Wars. Same with Jedi Knight II, which is a great game but has a Jedi not named Skywalker alive during the first trilogy. Whatever. And finally, SWG is a rat killing simulator, and therefore not Star Wars.

And I’m not picking it because it’s the Gamecube game. Really. I like JK2 far more than I like any of the Rogue Squadron games, but it’s not as authentic. But who cares, 'cause Fuck Star Wars.

I voted Kotor and I may just fall victim and buy an xbox for it. Jedi Academy is a close second though. Despite JK2’s problems I thought it was a great fps (blocking laser blasts and slicing up stormies is just fun).

I probably would have agreed with that if the blocking was actually player-controlled. I really despised the saber combat system in that game, it was just too bloody haphazard. The overall game was pretty blech, and it loses more points for the Episode 1 setting, but I still consider the Xbox Obi-Wan game to have the best action-oriented saber combat thus far.

Also, there’s the whole “Kyle has touched the Dark Side so he can use Force Lightning and all that cool Vader shit without turning Evil” thing. Bull. Shit. Talk about twisting the backstory to fit your whiz-bang game ideas. You’re telling me this twit with the beard who took the quickest and easiest path possible (Valley of the Jedi) to gain his Force powers is just “above it all” when it comes to corruption? Really stupid, IMO. Here’s where KotOR gets it right, with the ability to actually become a Dark Sider if you’re too much of an ass during the game. Still, I await the lightsaber game that does for sword combat what Virtua Fighter did for martial arts.

Running the risk of threadjacking (sorry), thinking about Jedi Outcast reminded me of something that I’ve always wondered about it. Was JO supposed to be a much darker game originally? The ad art with the slightly-unhinged Katarn dragging a lightsaber along a wall with the JO symbol conveniently carved into the metal always struck me as a far more disturbing image than I would have thought to use to represent the final game. That along with the glossing over of the Dark/Light struggle seems to hint at something “no longer there” to my fevered conspiracy-seeking brain. Anyone know if Kyle was originally supposed to descend into Dark Side madness or something?


Looks good for July. I’m going to go visit some friends that work at Bioware in July, and considering the plan is to stay with him, it’ll suck if he’s not actually done working on KOTOR when I show up on his doorstep July 9th.

assuming these features make it into the game within a reasonable amount of time (if ever)

I’m kinda bored with the RPGs.I wish someone would make a new Star Wars Rebellion game. Yes, yes, it wasn’t good but I liked it for some reason.

The problem with SWG is it just doesn’t feel like Star Wars. JK2 was a far better Star Wars experience.

– Xaroc

I’m hoping star wars 6…err… star wars commander is cool. The fmv intro for that is pretty sweet.

After Tie Fighter games JK and JK2 are the closest things to the Star Wars I love. I’ll probably pick up Academy just beause of that.

Republic Commando is what you’re thinking of. Looks promising.