Amen, brother. Definitely don’t get an XBox if you (rightfully) hate the incredibly bleak future of RPGs that Bioware is driving toward. Bioware is Microsoft’s newest slut, so the only RPGs you’re likely to see on XBox are the hackneyed, repetitive bullshits that Bioware’s been force-feeding the gaming community since Baldur’s Gate.
I think you’re lost. GameFAQs is this way, friend.
There are alot of reasons to buy an XBox aside from the sports and FPS games, which I cant stand much either.
Really? My XBox shelf sure as hell can’t attest to that:
-Full Spectrum Warrior (hate it, trading soon)
-Wrath Unleashed (only XBox game I’ve kept since release)
-Mafia (I played it on PC, but my brother hadn’t, so he got it on XBox. It’s the exact same thing without mouselook and a powerful PC behind it… which is to say, it’s much, much weaker).
-Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance (it was a penny at Circuit City. I haven’t played it, but hey, a penny? Can’t pass that up.)
The games you list:
-Metal Slug is a total ripoff. $30+ for an arcade game you can finish on $2 in quarters? Yeah fucking right.
-Guilty Gear’s been on PS2 forever now… why would I want it on XBox if it wanted it at all?
-SF Collection–not even out yet. Coming to PS2 also, I think…?
-Ninja Gaiden: along with KOTOR, it’s one of the most overrated games of all time. A boring and unecessarily, frustruatingly difficult button-masher. It was gone a day or two after I bought it.
-Fable’s not out yet either. Think it’s going to rock? Three words: Black and White.
-Jade Empire – more Bioware shit. Don’t get me started.
-Horror games: All the ones you’ve listed have been out on the PS2 for a long time now, or are coming to the PS2 first.
What I’ve found most telling about the XBox is the fact that its fans are always citing games that have yet to be released as reasons to buy the system! PS2 fans and GCN fans can rattle off huge lists of games from every genre as pinnacles of the system. Can XBox fans? Apparently not.