What The Fucking Fuck? - Man allegedly tried to buy boys' urine

When is this ever fun?!!? I mean seriously, WTF?

Ok, that’s pretty weird but:

A) the “Man” is 18 (still a stupid kid) and

B) a felony molestion charge sounds like an incredible overreaction to the events as described. I’m glad they dropped those charges against this idiot.

He’s obviously doing it to get clean urine for his own drug test, or to resell to other stoners. Less obviously, does this mean literally every other person he knows uses illegal drugs?

Right, but still…he tried to buy urine!!!

Yeah, best way to get around urine drug testing to show you’re clean.

Or maybe he has a special taste for urine.

— Alan

Ya, that isn’t really a new thing. I know several people who have used “substitute” urine to get around drug tests. Wasn’t there a Seinfeld episode on this?

Qt3 tip: To ensure your thread will be locked, make the subject bodily fluids.

That is all.

What’s the going rate on a child’s urine? $5?! Well, he does get his from day care, so you know it’s clean.

Thread should be called “Is this guy taking the mickey?”

LA County grade school students would be the last place I’d expect to find drug-free urine now days.

There used to be a place that sold urine from Mormon’s. The gold standard for pure urine.

Apparently not enough people have watched The Wire, but this kid obviously did.

My wife works as a teacher at this school. She was pretty upset about it. It happened right outside her classroom. The school is one of the richest areas of L.A. County, and is governed by a local school district (not L.A. Unified). She will be fascinated/upset when I tell her that random people (but cool) on a random (but cool) message board were talking about it.

Or [I]Withnail and I[/I] (skip to 4:30). Danny the Drug Dealer devised a system for this before teaming up with Presuming Ed to prototype dolls that wet themselves.

There’s nothing new here. When I worked at a gas station near a major truck route, I had at least a handful of truckers ask to buy urine… I suppose it usually happens after they’ve already fucked up. Not sure. Never did it, though.

Erik J.

I know someone that works at the Pentagon that regularly purchases urine to pass her mandatory drug tests at work.

I heard China was trying to buy urine in bulk to contaminate our Coke supply.

Huh, guess I was wrong!

i thought the commies were trying to contaminate our precious bodily fluids. besides, they’d have to answer to the coca-cola company.

Wait, from the article:

booked on felony charges of annoying or molesting a child.

Annoying or molesting? Holy cow. That’s a pretty wide margin.