What have you played in the weekend?

I played the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Gunfight Alpha pretty much exclusively and it was a blast. The basic gameplay is superb and has a really weighty feel for all the weapons. Everything save the basic pistol is deadly depending on range, which all seems perfectly calculated for some great gun battles. People were mostly cool, and one game in particular had me laughing like mad…

…we got our four players and one of the guys immediately asks if we can go fists only in Gunfight OSP (On Site Procurement) where that’s how you start. I said, “I’m game” and there wasn’t a reply from the other two. Turned out I was on the team of the guy that asked so in the fifteen seconds before the match started, we’re discussing whether they’ll be all in on it or not…

Counter gets to 3, 2, 1… we step out from cover and two dudes are coming at us all assholes and elbows under the walkway on docks. My teammate says something like, “Beat his ass!” and we engage in a hell of a brawl. I was laughing so hard I cried. It was so much fun!

Apparently this is similar to a Rainbow Six: Siege call of “Knives Only” that pops up in chat sometimes. It was a damn blast! I’m still grinning thinking about it. The final kill often ended with a fist to the chin. All it needed was a “KNOCK OUT!” call from an announcer. About five rounds in, we decided to goad them into trying to get onto a car on that map. The one dude stood way back and fired a shot! Yoooooo! My teammate goes, “Did he just shoot you?!” incredulously. Haha! Good times.

Anyway, Gunfight bodes well for a great Call of Duty game this fall. It is excellent.