What have you played in the weekend?

I didn’t see your name before I read the post. Thought, “That must be scharmers.” Scrolled up and I was right.

I’ll probably sneak in some Bloodborne - tougher on the weekend since I play that on the TV. I’ll probably also play some The Settlers 7. I started the campagin again just to brush up on the game. I hope to try some skirmish.

I got “a wild hair [etc.]” last weekend and continued a saved game of Bioshock 2 from nearly two years ago of all things. So I’ll probably keep going with that. Defending those Little Sisters is a pain, not to mention having to fight the Big Sisters afterwards.


Dead in Vinland.

Turning out to be a pretty good game, family surviving on a creepy, harsh island. Not very authentic Viking, and not for those who want well fleshed out combat, but deep resource management and interesting.

Glad to hear you are enjoying it. It certainly piqued my interest and I will probably pick it up down the line.

I am back into Sentinels of the Multiverse. I approach the game reguarly, every few months, dipping into some new characters/boss/environment slowly. The phone version’s interface is really amazing, considering the crazy amount of info you need to access at all times.

I played a bit of Geo yesterday, which I think I got from a recent bundle. It was a relaxing, funny and addictive little game of asteroid mining, but after a couple of hours the grind was simply colossal for little rewards. Really a shame, as the basic loop of gameplay was really pleasing — but I don’t see me doing it for tens of hours just to achieve progress at a clickr’s pace.

Also tried Alwa’s Awakening, a metroidvania with some really horrible platforming controls, that reminded me of what I experienced playing the lame port of the C64 jewel Bruce Lee for the Amstrad CPC. Both games feature what can only be accounted as a bug when you climb a ladder and the game seeems to be confused as to whether you are on or off it, resulting in your fall.

And then there is Slay the Spire, although most of the friends leaderboards seems to be empty lately. Snif!

I also watched somebody online complete, live, a 1CC run of Valis III for the PC-Engine yesterday, which was nothing short of amazing.

Injustice 2. It’s been a while since a game grabbed me like this one. ;)

Got to the second map in Shadow of Mordor but I just cannot stop playing Grim Dawn long enough to make too much progress.

BATTLETECH!!! Strikes warrior pose from yoga class

My modem is broken but I can still play some things, Fortnite and EDF

I’m playing a $5 game that is actually quite fun:

The combat animations are a bit janky, combat itself isn’t quite amazing, but is quite fun. The core is the different classes. it’s a mercenary warband simulator (but seems so far less hardcore or free roaming than Battle Brothers) but a bit more on rails, combined with a dungeon explorer.

You have 6 out of 30 characters, from a diverse array (treemen to dragons…) and so far they all seem pretty cool.

At lvl 1 your party isn’t very good.

As you level up your characters auto allocate points, so you don’t pick them, which is a bit contrary to normal rpg conventions.

As you fight, you generate action points, which are basically a kind of rage meter or energy bar, which as it fills up gives you the ability to do special actions, like fire an ice arrow for the Elven Archer character.

There is morale but the malus to losing your morale is that your guys go berserk and lose their action points, but you can still control them. Imho they should have made it so they either run away or mindlessly attack whatever is nearest.

It’s promising, but has some work left to do.

The campaign so far seems to be some dungeon maps looped together, some of which are repeated.

From what I can tell it’s made by one guy. It’s definitely indie (with typos,) and definitely fun. Worth looking at.

I’ve been playing shooters all weekend, besides the usual PUBG sessions. First, there’s the World War II free weekend. This was my first CoD on PC, and I wanted to check it out, especially after enjoying Ironsight lately (which I’ve also been playing this weekend). But I was only reminded how bullshit some of the weapon unlocks are. I mean, it would be fine if I was matched against equal players, but not only am I thrown against people with multiple prestiges, but I’m also at a disadvantage in regards to my weapons. Sigh.

Next was Warface from Crytek. It’s even more bullshit than CoD, as in pay-2-win, though to be fair it’s free. But I was hoping it had a similar unlock model to Ironsight, but no such luck. In Ironsight, it’s actually not that far off CoD, but at least you don’t have to pay full price for the game. But in Warface they definitely want you to pay a lot of money to rent (yes, rent) the best guns and equipment. Pass.

And finally, Just Cause 3 also had a free weekend on Xbox. So I tried it and didn’t take long to purchase the full XL edition which was almost nothing (10 bucks or so).

You just cost me a few bucks on the Google Play store, you monster.

If the weather hadn’t been so good and my outside to do list wasn’t so long, I would have messed around more with Star Traders: Frontiers. In coastal Maine we make hay when the sun shines.

I’ve been playing Donkey Kong: Tropical Freeze and it is excellent. It’s good enough to have pulled me away from Battletech this weekend. The level design is consistently stellar and is generally more challenging—and certainly more hectic—than Mario Odyssey. Highly recommended if you like 2D platformers and own a Switch.

Ended up playing INFRA over the weekend. In some respects, it feels like I’m playing a game like Half-Life or Prey, except there’s no combat. You’re exploring the environment, getting past obstacles, and absorbing the story through clues you find along the way. Really enjoying this.

Wow I played too much Dungeon Crawl.

Farted around with Mechwarrior, of course.

If it wasn’t for this thread, I would have thought that everyone was playing Battletech!

I’ve been squeezing in Sniper Ghost Warrior 3 into what little free time I’ve had, damn spring yard work!