What's happening in space (that's interesting)

livestream is up… T-10 mins

so stoked! Can’t wait. Watching live.

that must have been so loud when it took off.

They must have a chase plane to get those close ups as it’s going up

landing two side boosters right next to each other! It’s like synchronized landing!

Landing rockets should be an Olympic sport.

Amazing launch to watch, especially seeing the boosters land side by side together.

Jesus Hussein Christ that was amazing.

Well almost perfect. The cast ended without knowing center core status on ship yet. Hopefully made it…

Still amazing launch overall.

Awe inspiring.

Yeah that was a pretty awesome demonstration of a lot of seemingly impossible technology.

Yeah that was an awesome sight.

We have a car heading to Mars.

I actually teared up! What an amazing accomplishment. I really hope that this heralds something big for the future of space exploration.

Me and a coworker were all giddy about it. If a self-indulgent billionaire should do anything, it is to shoot cars at Mars with the most powerful rocket since the Saturn V.

I’m happy to hear that! I thought I was the only one.


Yeah, when I saw the large, friendly “Don’t panic!” display in the roadster, I think someone was cutting onions a few cubes over. What a sight!

Did the main booster survive?

The car is currently in a high elliptical Earth orbit similar to what’s used to get to geostationary orbit. They’re waiting about 6 hours to do the trans-Mars injection burn as a way to test out how it can launch heavy geostationary satellites, particularly for the US Air Force.

I don’t think it’s been announced, one way or the other. I’ve been checking Twitter and no news.

I wonder if they have to do a flyover or something to know if it was successful, or otherwise it seems like it failed and they are trying to figure out exactly why before they make an announcement.