What's happening in space (that's interesting)

That… would make a certain amount of sense.

— Alan

Elon announcing who will be the first private astronaut going to the moon on the BFR


Amazingly cool. Yusaku Maezawa is Japanese entrepreneur https://zozo.com/us/en. He bought every seat on the BFR and in 2023 he is going to take 6-8 artist with him to go around the moon and create art.

#dearMoon is the name of the project.

[Ice volcanos](Dozens of Ice Volcanoes Discovered on Nearby Dwarf Planet - National Geographic https://apple.news/ALAKOZo_VSHWmNm638oJmGQ) are a thing.

So apparently the Solar Observatory was closed because, according to a search warrant, the wireless system was used by a janitor to send and receive child porn. The janitor had, prior to the closure, but secretly discovered and (it’s a bit of an involved story) had made some vague threatening statements which eventually caused the closure of the facility. It should re-open on Monday.

— Alan

Or so they would have us believe.

Seriously. WAKE UP, SHEEPLE.

Ironically, astronomy and physics were two of the big drivers of the development of the WWW and early Internet.

Back in the old days, astronomy was sitting at a big telescope in the middle of nowhere. But then in the 70s, you still built the telescope in the middle of nowhere, but you didn’t have to sit at them all night anymore. The telescope could be in Hawaii and you could be in NY.

Scientists suddenly needed a way to network giant telescopes and share large amounts of data. Little wonder why CERN was where the web was developed

Please let the sheeple sleep. Every time you wake them up they have to count each other to get back to sleep. The sound is… unnerving.

and porn

fixed that for you

— Alan

Umm, what? I’m pretty sure that is not a driver, unless you’re talking things like the darknet hives of scum. But the web at large, eww. No.

Twitter is mostly garbage – anger, politics and self-promotion. But there are moments of greatness, like this one from an astrophysicist channeling Carl Sagan:

Hell of a read.

oh that’s beautiful. Thanks. That started off my day realy nicely :D

The Japanese Space agency has landed two mini rovers on the asteroid Ryugu and shared photos.

Apparently this is not their first asteroid landing.

Even their space photos look like JRPGs!

Seriously though, it’s amazing the asteroid has enough gravity for these maneuvers at all. Laudible piloting/calculating!

My interpretation of this in MSPAINT:


Beautiful! I’m imagining that’s cat satellite :)

To be used to launch rockets from the upper atmosphere…


From that article:

Nifty! Presumably works sort of like how a figure skater can change speeds during a spin.