What's happening in space (that's interesting)

Interesting breakdown of the 40-year-old design issues (for men, by men) that led to this decision: (twitter thread) https://twitter.com/MaryRobinette/status/1110394121515134976

Waiting for Elon Musk to design the next EVA suits… That will look (and fit!) 300% better than NASA’s!

Okay, maybe not.

So interesting to me, but not so much for everybody else…

I managed to see Saturn and its rings for the first time in the telescope I got for Christmas (70 mm refractor).

It is quite exciting to see it with my own eyes for the first time. I was up at 5 am and was able to spot Saturn by eye out my front door. After some hunting (because I still haven’t gotten around to aligning the finder), managed to get it in view and using the highest power lens, I was able to clearly see the ring formation distinct from the planet.

This is a big improvement over my first attempt shortly after getting the telescope. It was wickedly cold (at about -25C range) during my first try. I never got Saturn properly focused likely due to hands and fingers numb with cold.


Saturn is really nice. The rings change throughout the year as the angle of the rings changes. Think of wobbling from the rings being straight on to then being tilted down significantly. I never remember where they are at, so it’s always a surprise when I go back to it to see where the rings are.

When they are angled downwards, it’s really cool to see the shadow of the rings on the planet. Gives it a much more 3d effect.

Some sweet 4K video of the Falcon 9. Watch on a big screen.

Not in space (yet), but still interesting:

Methane found on Mars!!

About goddamn time; I’ve been awaiting this for months

Lies! Next week is ‘about damn time’. Today is just another day of life without photographs of a black hole.

Clicked link. Was disappointed by no pic and a ‘Come back later’ sign posted in the window of the Black Hole Shop.

Yeah. Tease me once, shame on you. Tease me twice… we wont be teased again.

Be funny if it was just a 1000x1000 pure black image.

Something no human has seen before…

Science News said that the black hole research was done using the Event Horizon Telescope

What if the photos are impacted by time dilation; next week for them could be millennia from now for us!

Planets had plastic explosives dropped on them?

I’m pretty excited about tomorrow.