What's happening in space (that's interesting)

Ron Howard has new docu/drama starting Monday on Mars. The reviews aren’t stellar but Mars and Elon Musk I pretty much have to give it shot.

Yeah, pretty much.

I thought it was pretty good. I really hope that start doing more science stuff soon though.

A Hidden Ocean Beneath Pluto’s Icy Heart

Pluto and its moon, Charon, always show the same face to one another, the way the moon is locked in the same direction toward Earth. The bright Tombaugh Regio area always faces away from Charon. The alignment is so precise that it’s as if Charon floats over the area directly opposite Sputnik Planitia. This suggests there’s extra mass in Sputnik Planitia, and it forced Pluto to roll over to balance itself between its own mass and that of its sister moon.

Wow that is so cool!

Egypt, Romania, Newfoundland, Jordan, Peru - Sarah Parcak has discovered lost cities, ancient tombs, lost amphitheaters, etc all over the world. And she does it with satellite imagery.

I hope the pun was intentional!

Yup, I was going to make a comparison to Stellaris

There’s a new weather satellite scheduled to go up on Saturday. Not much in the way of news, but this one is interesting in that it’s meant to monitor space weather as well as the terrestrial kind.

[quote]There are three kinds of space weather: photons, protons and plasma. Photons travel at the speed of light, arriving here in eight minutes. Protons take about half an hour to deliver radiation to Earth (“These protons may be the biggest challenge of getting humans to Mars and back healthy,” Viereck notes.) Plasma can take three days.

All these sun spewings are the reason why people rely on satellites like GOES-R, which also collect the information that goes into regular weather forecasts like ones on a smartphone.[/quote]

EM Drive works.

Well that’s a surprise. Welcome to the future of space travel?

Funny, that.

I really hope the plan to get an EM drive in to space by March 2017 ends up happening.

My theory is this works on a micro level and cannot be scaled up. Laws sometimes very different when you’re working with micronewtons vs. when you try to convert that to kilonewtons. While I’m excited this is happening, I think it might be one of those things where there are exceptions to quantum states rather than entirely new forms of mass marketable energy.


Congratulations to her! She’s already spent more than a year overall in space.

So apparently EM Drive might threaten Copenhagen? Einstein did think it was crazy and he was right about the Cosmological Constant.

What do you mean by threaten Copenhagen?

Copenhagen interpretation of Quantum mechanics, which is more or less the prevailing theory.

Cool, thanks.