When you start selecting older characters as your Avatar

When I first started WoW i had a number of characters. I was coming from EQ, in which I 2-boxed characters, ala two separate accounts. So I copied that for WoW and enjoyed it for a bit. At the time I had a male Orc warrior, and a female Troll Priest. So as I leveled and played I eventually joined a guild and as roles would have it, I was needed as a Priest a LOT more and ended up being our lead raiding Priest through two expansions. I eventually burned out, switched to rogue, raiding with that for two more guilds and then hung up my WoW shoes.

I can’t even begin to count the number of times I got creepy PMs from people thinking I was female while playing the priest Really creepy, too, not just awkward banter. I don’t envy actual females playing multiplayer games.