Description: Pedantic, opinionated, often creepy, occasionally amusing.
Last seen in this thread, Jan 21, 2003:
Wondering the same myself. Spoofychop dissapeared about the same time. Although, he has recently resurfaced. I think Koontz did nominate Spoofy as Qt3’s funniest poster. You can draw your own conclusions.
You forgot the most important adjective:
Dudes, what are you doing? You’re gonna jinx it.
The reason I stopped posting for a while was because I became absolutely unable to view the Everything Else forum because it had become like a little private playground for a certain Jason and his totally uninformed nonsense.
Since the only person who seemed adept at the art of the Jsmackdown was DrCrypt, and nobody was really helping him (I didn’t come to his aid because I decided a while ago I just don’t have the fortitude for defending my political beliefs on the Internet. I just get too damn frustrated and I start to foam at the mouth and stuff.)
So as far as the E.E. forum goes, I just decided to take a break.
The reason I haven’t posted on the games forum is because I haven’t been playing any good games recently, and nobody was talking about games I was interested in.
Regardless, I am not Brian Koontz. I miss him though, because he seems to have the ability to simultaneously hold several different completely contradictory viewpoints. He’s the most like an “Electric Monk” of anybody I ever knew.
Well said Spoofy.
Jason’s posts have become sort of like a terrible Pop Warner quarterback’s passes. You know exactly when and where his posts are coming from. He fires off a good one often, but its usually because the rest of us are not paying attention. He also has a crazy little knack of calling anyone with an opposing viewpoint a complete and total nincompoop. To his credit, he knows a lot 'o shit about a lot 'o shit and is a wizard at finding links to comments at liberally slanted websites that run parallel to his own. His posts definitely represent a large segment of this county’s views and are therefore good to hear. Even if he does beat us about the head and neck daily with them.
There is middle ground to be had. Come join us on it Jason. :)
I’m busy buying ICBM’s from arms-dealers in Russia so I can nuke Jason on the other side of the fence. It makes much more sense than trying to find a way to tear down the fence so I can simply bitch-slap him. Cheaper, too.
[noted lack of sarcasm] Your reply to the Jason pile on, did make me laugh. :)
Wow, really? I have disagreed with Jason on a several topics but can’t remember him making a personal attack.
That said, I do know what you’re talking about. There is typically a lot of name calling and attacks in EE. That is pretty lame.
He’s a role-playing character that someone got bored with.
Screw Brian Koontz, I want Johan Freeberg back.
I thought he was at least three or four people all taking turns to role-play the one character. That would explain the electric monk effect. Of course, those people could have been in the one physical body [shrug].
(Trivia- what was the third insult that the Pkunk used in SC2?).
I called on the name of Koontz only a few days ago in the protesters thread. I miss the guy. We may be divided on the war but we can all unite on the Koontz.
edit- changed SC3 to SC2 and then washed my hands. I agree Tom, SC3 was a steaming POS.
No duh. I thought common consensus was that I am Brian Koontz.
(Trivia- what was the third insult that the Pkunk used in SC3?).
I don’t know the answer (“moron”?), but I sure hope you meant to type “SC2”, since Star Control 3 was an abomination against the canon that most of us would rather forget.
Star Control? Jeez… Dave Long just told me in another thread that SC2 refers to Soul Calibur 2. People really need to be more careful with their acronyms, someone could lose an i.
Perhaps Koontz is really Fred Rogers. Being nice all the time is hard, so he went to the internet to vent.